Here ya go folks. 1. Three people from the past I would have a - TopicsExpress


Here ya go folks. 1. Three people from the past I would have a lunch-date with: Salvador Dali, Henry David Thoreau, and Osamu Tezuka. 2. My favorite artist(s): Salvador Dali and Peter Callesen. 3. Weird habit(s): I chew/bite on my lip when Im bored/uncomfortable/nervous, I CONSTANTLY clean out dirt from under my nails; seeing the slightest amount makes me go crazy, I always move all of my hair over my left shoulder, and I cant sit correctly in a chair (both feet on the ground); I find it immensely uncomfortable. 4. What I collect: I collect quotes and put them all in a journal, and I collect movie tickets. 5. My dream job(s): Traveling choreographer, professional dancer, YouTube famous (because why not?), owner of an independent online newspaper, and creator of a dance clothing line. 6. 5 facts about my room: 1- Two walls are completely covered in my artwork, posters, others artwork, pictures, and many other random items. 2- I have four pieces of furniture: a bed, a desk, a nightstand, and a little dresser for underwear and socks. 3- I have a video game setup on my floor between my bed and desk, complete with a tiny ghetto TV, an N64, a Super Nintendo, a PS2, and my games and controllers. 4- I have tons of little knick-knacks on the top shelf of my desk such as some mini easels, a mini piggy bank, a mini rubber duck, a bird made out of a Reeses peanut butter cup wrapper, and much more. 5- My clothes dont even fill up to half of the rack in my closet (I need to go shopping.) 7. Three languages I wish I were fluent in: Italian, Japanese, and German. 8. 5 words to describe myself: Odd. Blunt. Creative. Unusual. Talkative. 9. 3 things I get discouraged in: 1- Picking up playing the piano again; I try, but I get upset quickly. 2- Drawing real people. My thing is abstract and cartooning. I worked with drawing real people in junior high and I did well, but I feel Ive gotten much worse since then. 3- My ability to easily communicate. I feel I talk way too much. 10. How I portray each of my major motions: Happiness- I wear my heart on my sleeve when Im happy, and I want everyone to know it. Sadness- Im very private about sad moments. Most people I know cant tell except for my family and the person who used to be closest to me. I hate crying, but I let it all out when Im around those people. Anger- I pretty much let everyone and their dog know when Im upset without being aware of it. Im not a hot-head, but when I am angry, I wear it like a sequined onesie. 11. Favorite comedian(s): Jim Gaffigan... end of story. 12. Place(s) many have been expect for me: Six Flags and Sea World... and I lived in Cali for 10 years. 13. Exotic or untraditional pets I want to have: An alligator and a pig. 14. Favorite paintings/artworks/sculptures: Eismeer - Callesen, The Face of Mae West - Dali, and The Great Wave of Kanagawa - Hokusai 15. My addictions: Peppermint candies (I buy a bag at a time and keep them everywhere), Youtube, and Tumblr.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 08:46:13 +0000

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