Here you go IQ Konnect First Inviters! So now you’re a FIRST - TopicsExpress


Here you go IQ Konnect First Inviters! So now you’re a FIRST INVITER!!!!! WOOO HOOOOO Congratulations and Welcome!!!! Lets Jump right in here and get to the things you NEED TO KNOW RIGHT AWAY!!!! as explained by Executive Brand Partner JGF of IQLife. LOGIN TO YOUR BACKOFFICE: Ok, so now you are in, you have paid your $9.95, and have your login information and affiliate LINK that you made when you registered…that time you put in all your information. You would have by now received an email containing your BP# (Brand Partner Number). This is what you will use as your “username” when you login to your “existing back-office.” It will be a 5 Digit Number. You should memorize it. àTo login please navigate to L9app and click the button below “Subscribe Now” that reads DISTRIBUTOR LOGIN….this will populate a login page that you’ll recognize immediately. Enter the information we spoke about above USERNAME and PASSWORD into the provided fields and hit enter. There are many things in the back-office but I don’t make use of all of them. That’s my choice, feel free to browse all tabs and buttons and links and resources in your back-office, after all it is YOUR BACK-OFFICE. You should know it. Naturally. IMPORTANT AREAS OF YOUR BACK-OFFICE: The following areas of your back-office are IN MY OPINION, extremely important to your success in duplication: Reports > Enroller Geneology> Enroller Downline… This page is a list of all your active Brand Partners (BP’s) in your matrix/ on your Team. You choose your levels…..generations….I use 25 to be safe lol. Reports> Sponsor Geneology> Sponsor Downline… This page is the same list as above however this represents the Generations in which your BP’s fall into your matrix, in direct correlation to SPILLOVER. NOT NECESSARILY THE ORDER! FOR EXAMPLE -à If John signed up Jim and Jim signed up Mary. The Sponsor Downline Report Would look like this:0/John (For this example John would represent yourself.) 1/Jim 2/Mary Reports>Qualifications This page provides information on your progress in becoming a Senior BP and then an Executive Brand Partner. DASHBOARDà This is the First Page you see when you login to your back-office. There are a couple videos on this page. I could explain them but I’d rather tell you that they are important and that YOU NEED TO WATCH THEM. They solidify the obvious meaning behind our movement. We’re taking/ giving back. That’s the message, own it. Below the videos is a link to see the schedule for Corporate Communications. Familiarize yourself with CALLS, THEY ARE THE GAS BEHIND OUR ENGINES! BELOW that is a link to View theà First Inviter Joint Pledgeß Read it, Save it to your desktop, Understand what it means for ALL OF US! And get super happy! Like I said before, Just click around and view Everything in that back-office, take it seriously. Let’s take a moment and go to our duplicated affiliate site. àL9app/….. Whatever you chose when you registered. Make sure your name appears on the screen under the “Switching To” wording you see on the landing page. The videos you watched when you first heard about IQLife (Company) and IQKonnect (Platform/Product) are supremely important. You should watch, review and understand them entirely. Not only are they very exciting they help us communicate information properly which is vital if WE WANT TO GIVE PEOPLE THE BEST OPPORTUNITY TO UNDERSTAND HOW GREAT THIS IS! It’s literally unfair of you to share it incorrectly. Think on that for a sec…. Watch these again…now if you have the time or several times until you have a sense of “WHOA This really is bigger than I originally Imagined!” ItsVeryReal.IQDreamTeam –Both our Presentation video and our Income video are both located on this Page now! Watch them until you GET IT. And if you still don’t GET IT, PLEASE REACH OUT TO YOUR SPONSOR RIGHT AWAY! CONFERENCE CALLS: CONFERENCE CALLS are the MOST IMPORTANT PART of your daily activities in your Plan Of Action. Our Team Calls Fall on the Following Schedule. If you Miss it, make your best effort to listen to the recorded call. à TEAM CALLS! KEITH REED IS THE MAN! Monday Thru Saturday at 1pm EST. 712-432-0075 Code 988138# Tuesday AND Thursday 10pm EST. 712-432-0075 Code 988138# THOSE CALLS ARE RECORDED AND AVAILABLE 24/7 712-432-1085 Code 988138# IMPORTANT LINKS TO KNOW: Calls.IQDreamTeam –This is where you can direct international prospects to listen to the Recorded Team Calls! Utilize this one! CountDown.IQDreamTeam –This page is a collection of Daily Messages in Video Format from Keith Reed. They are very informative and explanatory…watch them. WHEW…That was a ton of Information!!!! You are doing great though remember the INCOME VIDEO! At 99% Failure, all of our lives will be changed. WOW, yes please sign me up again! LOL! YOU REALLY MUST HAVE FUN AND ENJOY THIS! IT’S A GIFT AND IT’S ABOUT TIME! àTHE TEAM 24 FACEBOOK GROUP ß This is where it all goes down! New information, Team Milestone Achievements and Congratulations, New Announcements, New Tools, and new member WELCOMES! If you are reading this it is my hope that you’ve been welcomed to the Team 24 page and if you haven’t, please Email or message your sponsor immediately and Tell them Jay said to add me to the Team Page so I can access the information I need to BE SUCCESSFUL! THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT; MAKE SURE YOU CAN ACCESS THE TEAM 24 PAGE on FACEBOOK AT THIS TIME! https://facebook/groups/Team24IQK/?ref=br_tf –Click here to check. All Top Leaders and Successful Brand Partners Check this page numerous times per day. We suggest that you set your notifications to “ALL” so that you can help us welcome and congratulate partners as we move toward our Release. And to make sure no one misses out on Extremely Time Sensitive Information. THERE WILL COME A TIME when you have to “Add” a new partner to the Team 24 Page, and then Welcome them and announce their addition to our team. Please do that by going to the Team 24 Page and looking to the mid right of the screen, begin typing your referrals name into the “add member” field and it should auto-populate (if you are already friends), click their photo and they will be queued for an Administrator to accept their addition. Type a somewhat personal but simple and fun welcome post on the Team Page and Your Timeline and TAG THEM! Do this by typing the “@” symbol before their name in any posting field on Facebook. Try it, its addicting! STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND GO TO THE FILES SECTION OF TEAM 24 GROUP PAGE! à https://facebook/groups/Team24IQK/files/ GO HERE! CLICK AND DOWNLOAD EVERY TOOL and MESSAGE PROVIDED. THIS includes EVERYTHING you need to know about our movement and how to be prepared for when we go LIVE and start inviting Free Users! We are in the DATA LOCK PHASE, INSTRUCTIONS on how to back your personal data and contacts from Social Media are located within several of the Files Located in this Section of Team 24 Page. If you have any questions about the information in these files, please reach out to your sponsor/ enroller To have your questions addressed. YOU CAN ALSO ASK QUESTIONS on most of the Daily CONFERENCE CALLS!! SHARING WITH OTHERS! Please understand that anything we suggest is merely that, a suggestion. You are encouraged to be creative and promote this awesome opportunity how you see fit, but there are some general guidelines and no-no’s that we need to make you aware of… Use of the proper verbiage is very important. Being mindful of your posts and communications can save you a ton of headaches and a call from the Compliance Department. Things you shouldn’t say and things you can: - DON’T GIVE ANY PROJECTIONS OF INCOME, DO NOT MENTION ANY AMOUNT OR GUARANTEE OF COMPENSATION, DO NOT DISCLOSE YOUR OWN INCOME, AND GENERALLY DO NOT POST ANY AMOUNT OF CURRENCY IN REGARDS TO COMPENSATION. - A common misnomer is that we are in a “PRE LAUNCH” period. This is incorrect. We are in fact LIVE! IQLife (company) has been paying Brand Partners for over a year. We are in a PRE RELEASE period. We are not going to Launch, we are going to go LIVE or we are going to RELEASE. - Also when communicating our opportunity a BIG NO NO is claiming that one will be “PAID TO POST.” This is incorrect. We are not compensated for simply posting things, that implies that one could program a “robot” or robotic program that posts automatically! PLEASE WHEN SHARING USE THIS PHRASE ONLY! “We are REWARDED to INVITE, CONNECT, and SHARE with others.” Use that line, you can’t go wrong. A GREAT REFERENCE IS OUR Facebook Fan Page “INTRODUCING IQKonnect!” For ideas on how and what to post in your social media profiles to attract attention to our movement! There are also many photos and links available for you to use located on that page! THE FIRST INVITER JOINT PLEDGE… ItsVeryReal.IQDreamTeam This is explained at length in the Second video on this page. Please reach out to your sponsor for more information. A copy of this file in writing is available in your back-office, about midway down your “Dashboard.” DATA LOCK PHASE: We are currently in what we call the DATA LOCK PHASE!!!! This is Very Important That you do the following things so that you are prepared for the following Phase of Release, “Nesting and Testing.” Data Lock refers to the activity of retrieving and compiling any photos, information, documents, and contacts from your EXISTING Social Media Accounts so you can use them to UPLOAD to your IQKonnect profile when the I.T. Department gives us the word. What we are doing here is making a more attractive all inclusive copy of our existing profiles on IQKonnect. This is Vital because when we send out our invitations we need to make sure that our Platform is Vibrant, Interesting, Captivating, and most of all ACTIVE! à The instructions for finding and backing up all of this information in the DATA LOCK phase are located in the FILES section of the TEAM 24 PAGE that we went over earlier! SUGGESTION!... STAY ORGANIZED by making a folder named “IQFILES” and save them all in there! This will help you reference information more quickly when speaking with a prospect or assisting another AFFILIATE. After you have backed up and organized your files that you would like to upload, be mindful that we are not uploading YET and you will have great new material and NEW CONTACTS that you will want to back up as well. So be sure to repeat the back-up steps regularly, as we just don’t know when I.T. department will be ready to MOVE ONTO THE NESTING AND TESTING PHASE! NESTING AND TESTING PHASE: The “Nesting and Testing” Phase refers to the process of bringing all FIRST INVITERS onto the Platform..IQKonnect! During this time we will be responsible for BUILDING OUR BASE NETWORK! We will be uploading and beautifying and PERSONALIZING our profiles so they are Attractive, Interesting, Captivating and ACTIVE! We will be interacting will other First Inviters and learning and experiencing the New Platform just before we open it up for SENDING INVITATIONS TO FREE USERS! THIS IS IN MY OPINION THE SECOND MOST IMPORTANT TIME IN THE PROGRESSION OF OUR RELEASE!!! We need to really make our IQKonnect Profile the most AWESOME Profile WE’VE EVER MADE EVER! I mean Really make it great! The better it looks THE MORE KONNECTIONS YOU MAKE! THE MORE KONNECTIONS YOU MAKE THE FASTER YOUR SOCIAL GRID WILL GROW. THE FASTER YOUR SOCIAL GRID GROWS THE FASTER YOU ARE MAKING A LIFE CHANGING INCOME! This is really ours to make happen Fellow First Inviters, This is something that MANY PEOPLE Deserve. We all share a dream and vision for this, but I am afraid to tell you it isn’t Automatic. It requires a Joint effort from all First Inviters to really make IQKonnect the Best and Most “INVITING” Platform to be on. Let’s get to 500 Million users ASAP! AN IMPORTANT WORD ABOUT NUMBERS, INCOME, AND WHAT WE ARE DOING à According to the Videos and Tools we are Provided, we are going to be coming into a good deal of money..IF WE put our best foot forward and do our best to communicate the opportunity effectively. As Stated within our videos you can see that we always low ball figures to show how powerful SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING is and How Rewarding it can be coupled with this Comp Plan! This is VERY REAL and IT WILL CHANGE MANY LIVES! Own and BE PROUD OF WHAT YOU ARE NOW A PART OF! The MORE FIRST INVITERS you have join the movement through your affiliate site, THE GREATER YOUR MARKET SHARE! ITS SO SIMPLE FOLKS! A Word From JGF, The instructions and explanations provided are merely a guide and do not cover the entire scope of information that is available. This guide is meant to be a tool to use in conjunction with direct training and communication with your sponsor and/or upline. Nothing beats a real connection. Do your best to get on those conference calls. Get involved, ask questions, obtain and relay information. Did you know if EVERY one person chose to be accountable for providing information to ONE OTHER person, we have everyone covered? You can do it, I know it. The days are passing and our time to Share this gift with other people is getting shorter. If making BIG MONEY depended on how many people you help a day….do you deserve that kind of compensation?
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 13:40:07 +0000

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