Here you have the American war criminals who destroy priceless - TopicsExpress


Here you have the American war criminals who destroy priceless historical items! It should be the death penalty for such crimes! Queen Shubad lived in the city of Ur, 4600 years before our era. The archaeological finds in her famous tomb shows beautiful objects and jewelry that imagination can weave around. As we all do around ancient finds. Her city is one of the oldest in our civilization. During the war against Iraq, the United States built a military installation in ancient monuments, so even in Babylon. It has damaged the places badly. In the book The War on Iraqs Cultural reported numerous cases of deliberate destruction. The book is divided so that the reports about the abuse begins with ancient monuments, as Iraq is so rich and who is also the early history of our civilization. The first agriculture, the first cities. The book continues to chapters describe attacks on the countrys culture. The looting of the National Museum and almost all museums. Fire Attacks against libraries. Books and writing collections were stolen or burned. Americas military passively watched what happened. In some cases they were also actors. It is assumed that the antique dealer in West planned harvesting in advance. The damage inflicted is huge. A portion of the book devoted to the assassinations of Iraqi academics. Here is a list of names of those killed. Almost 400 victims, dead on the way to and from their jobs at universities, sometimes gunned down in front of their families. However, the editors reserve the terms of the list of murdered. There may be more victims, and other categories that teachers, officers and physicians are not included here. Neither the occupation forces or Iraqi authorities have investigated the murders. According to its authors, it is for people outside of the system impossible to get a handle on what the killers are. Witnesses claim to have seen the Interior Ministry cars leave the murder scenes. But surely no one knows. The killers can also be armed groups that have had support from the United States or Britain. It is certain, however, that they could wreak havoc in full freedom. Something that books reporters perceive - must perceive - as a planned attack on Iraqs education system. Iraqi universities were once considered as the best in the Arab world. Now, professors and teachers murdered or fled abroad. The destruction has succeeded. It was directed against Iraqi the intellectual and against the Iraqi culture. Human suffering is not measurable. Living in constant fear of being killed, forced to flee towards an uncertain future. And know that Iraq as a nation no longer has a future but as Americas vassal state. Where the murder of undesirable is allowed. United States and the added regime wanted to rid the country from the Baath Party to power. The methods have been horrendous. The book contains the serious allegations against the American occupiers. But editors and other professionals are all very deserving. Zainab Bahrani, professor of Art History and Archaeology, Columbia University, is responsible for the information on the planned looting of the Iraq Museum. The books editors are professors of international politics, social work and political science in the United States and Canada. I rely on the books authors and their accounts of the events. There are lots of references and witness statements. These cover the period before Americas formal withdrawal of its troops. The situation has not improved under the new regime. To the reported horrors may be in the book also produced figures on the total number of Iraqis killed, by some estimates up to a million. How will the movement of refugees in the country with over two million, as many as fled abroad and as Fallujah with all malformed newborns, victims of depleted uranium from attacking weapon. Iraqs fate will in the near future also affect Iran, while an indifferent outside world looks on. Or is it a world in fear of the American war machine? Facts: DESTROYED HERITAGE • Abbas al-Hussainy, former Director General of the State Board of Iraqi heritage and antiquities, writes in the book: Extensive damage has been inflicted all major locations in Iraq, including Ur, Uruk, Nippur, Babylon, all khan buildings (al-Rubua, al-Utashi, al-Hamad al-Nus et al), al-Kefel, Ctesiphon, Aqerquf, Assur, Nineveh, Hatra Kirkuk citadel, citadel Arbils, Basras old city, the Islamic capitals Wasit, Kufa and Samarra, as well as all major museums and libraries.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 02:24:44 +0000

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