Heres Len Hjalmarson adding to our July conversation with Gender, - TopicsExpress


Heres Len Hjalmarson adding to our July conversation with Gender, Trinity, and Missional Spirituality: -- If Christian feminism, that is, feminism growing out of the life and example of Jesus, and the implications of the coming reign of God, is about empowerment of all people, regardless of gender, ethnicity or class, then all believers should be feminists. I am intrigued by Elaine Storkey’s four characteristics of gender and descriptions of the relationship between men and women. These characteristics include difference, similarity, non-hierarchical complementarity and union. Difference: Storkey critiques the modern view by highlighting that gender is a social construct and that there is no such thing as essentialism. Secondly, similarity: men and women are similar, tempering an essentialism which claims that ‘men are from Mars and women are from Venus’. Third, men and women complement each other, without reference to hierarchy. Finally, she notes that men and women together constitute the image of God. In other words, the Imago is a collective reality, and there is an ontological union between the genders. -- Read the rest here:
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 13:38:32 +0000

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