Heres a bit of transparency, in hopes of helping someone who is - TopicsExpress


Heres a bit of transparency, in hopes of helping someone who is unfruitful because if sin in their life. Ive been going through some dark, trying times the past few days. I found myself completely absorbed in myself, and in self-pity because of the hurt Ive suffered. I was BOILING ANGRY, and sinned because of it. Some would say God is mad at me and that I should step down from ministry while I deal with my personal issues. But no! our God is gracious and merciful. He still wants me to minister to others even when I have been less than perfect. He NEVER wants us sitting on the sidelines IDLE, waiting until we get right before we get out there and think of someone else besides ourselves. And God desires this because (get this, and I mean GET it): your OWN deliverance comes from ministering to and delivering OTHERS! The more you get your mind off of you, your problems, and even your sin (NEVER condoning sin, but just not conscious of it all the time, condemning yourself), and the more you begin focusing on God and OTHERS, sin just begins to vanish! You cant pour yourself into someone else while being completely self absorbed. Its impossible! I mean, if you are REALLY pouring all of yourself, that is! Its a genius, loving system God has in place. So, Im out shopping. Its right in the middle of my rage and self pity when a woman rolled up to me in her wheelchair, asking for assistance. I assisted her with the matter then asked if I could pray for her physical illnesses. She said yes and began rattling off a LONG list of illnesses she has, including cancer, infazema... Oh, and one of her entire legs had been amputated. we set up a time to meet so that ALL her needs could be ministered to at that time. But in the meantime, I asked if I could pray and get rid of the pain right now. She told me that she would be in pain for the rest of her life, and that the doctors gave her this report. I told her that Jesus is infinitely more powerful and capable than the doctors, and we are going to believe HIS report, which says by His stripes we WERE (past tense) healed! So all we have to do is receive that healing by faith right now. I prayed and her pain went from a 7 to a 6 (on a 1-10 scale). She happy for ANY relief and was ready to walk away smiling. I told her that the Lord will take it ALL away. I prayed again and while I was praying, she let out a joyful shout and said that the pain was all gone! Zero pain! Despite the doctors telling her she would have pain for ever, Jesus took it away... ALL of it. Now tell me how I can keep focusing on myseld right after experiencing something as awesome as this? No way! Im going to keep busy doing Gods work no matter WHAT, because that is His will for me, and that is where I will find my own deliverance and wholeness. Now, this video was recorded at night with very poor lighting, so you may not see much. But you can hear her testimony very well. Hallelujah!
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 05:59:29 +0000

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