Heres a bright idea for the taking!!! By request. A campaign - TopicsExpress


Heres a bright idea for the taking!!! By request. A campaign for aspiring Philippine athletes When the Winter Olympics was starting to gather interests, I jokingly asked my wife if the Philippines has a representative to the event. It was like asking, is water wet? I was expecting of course that how the country can have one when there is no Winter in the country. I was knocked off my socks when she said, we have one, for ice skating event. Although we lived abroad for some time now, it was always a pride for us, Filipinos, to have contestants of international stature like beauty pageants, PGA and of course boxing. Even athletes that have Pilipino connections like Super Bowl Champions Seattle Seahawks wide receiver Doug Baldwin, who has numerous relatives living in the Phillipines and Tim Teebow former quarterback of Denver Broncos, who was born in the Philippines, the LPGA golfers and Jason Day, and of course Pacquiao, to name a few. It was a heart tugging and a Kleenex moment for me when Doug Baldwin entered the stadium in one of the Seahawks game carrying a Filipino flag upside down to show to the world his support for the typhoon devastation that hit the country. Some ask, why upside down? At that time, the country was in distress and it was a distress call. Even Tim Tebow took it upon himself to plant his support for Filipinos when he announced that the Tim Tebow Foundation, working with CURE International, will be building a new children’s hospital in the Philippines. When, Michael Martinez’s gallant effort was over and more information about his struggle to represent the Philippine in a contest that nature already put him at a disadvantage, I found it heartbreaking to learn that he was supported by the few. According to his mother’s account, it was a financial struggle to get his training possible. And when he came home, the government cheered and embraced him as if they were a part of his success. It is a pathetic situation where living treasures are treated just like after thoughts. The elite, politicians and the able, spend money for cockfighters, casinos, and aggrandizement but not for a worthy cause, like for promising individuals that can bring the Philippines in the international spotlights. Why can they not also turn their good standing to these struggling athletes? Manny Pacquiao and all his money and government position can create a committee or a foundation to support Olympic class athletes for the Olympics and international caliber events. He can tap the business entitles, media and education sectors to help in the cause. Maybe a good use of pork. Here in Seattle, the Special Olympics are being supported by raffling houses, cars and high class merchandises and services, in addition from other well nature entities. And of course the media. Why cannot the Ayala Development Corporation raffle a condo for the athletes. Or give cockfighting a good name by pledging a percentage of its take to the funds. Maybe it can also be done with wheteng., casinos etc. Movie stars can plug their support instead of dwelling on who did what to whom and too much insignificant dramas of their lives. Education institutes can pattern its sports scholarships that universities here in the U.S. advocate, if it is not already done. For the media, spend more honestly intelligent news on aspiring athletes so that they will feel important in their efforts and give them more incentive to strive to their best. A positive psyche is already half of the effort to produce their best when added to their physical. The foundation can create a logo with the message, “We support the Pilipino Athletes Foundation” that can tied with businesses for a donation to the cause. You can find good swimmers in Palawan or Donsol maybe. Cyclists that are ubiquitous in the streets. Boxers, golfers, tennis players, basketball, etc. Why cannot the gestures of Baldwin and Teebow be emulated in their support and pride for their ties to the country. If there is a sincere and trustworthy effort by the Philippine citizenry and government to pursue this campaign, I firmly believe that her children all over the world will not think twice to support the campaign. I will buy a bunch of Philippine athletic foundation raffle tickets for a condo anytime. 44Like · · Promote · Share
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 02:15:31 +0000

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