Heres a cool story its a long one but its a good one! 1 year - TopicsExpress


Heres a cool story its a long one but its a good one! 1 year ago I felt like I was going nowhere fast,I was 30 years old ,with nothing solid behind me and thought I couldnt have kids! but Shortly after speaking to the doctor and just before I was going to take a fertility test, my girl caught pregnant with twins .i was buzzing ..but I cant lie I was worried.i was £1700 in my overdraft with a shit job living in the spare room in my parents! We went to view a dingy,scruffy little gaff for £75,000 in one of the worst streets in Barry which I still couldnt afford..there was rubbish up and down the street and grown men sat on the step of the house opposite guzzling cans with their tops off it was dire,I looked at the bump,looked at the estate agent and thought what the f**k am I gunna do! So I went home and started to think positive and focused hard on how I could change things.since then Ive pushed myself to my limits in all aspects and stopped at nothing to get to this point! Ten months since viewing that smack den and Im happy to say Ive just got the keys to my dream house,detached,separate garage nice big garden with decking and trees,modern with nice neighbours in one of the best areas around here ! Far and above what I couldve hoped to achieve for my girls in that time or anytime judging by where I was at! Im also close to becoming a qualified health and safety officer In that time. The power of gratitude is true magic I cant stress to you enough how u need to be grateful and appreciate what youve got! you gotta take time out and give thanks for every thing we take for granted and trust works like real magic! I live my life by these principals now! I gotta thank my mortgage man and give him some promotion here the guy has played a massive part in helping me achieve this,when I had been told by several quite stuck up people that it couldnt be done! They wrote me off completely. Hes keen,sharp and trustworthy and the kind of guy you want to handle one of the most important events in your life.. Nicholas tanorella (hes tagged underneath in the comments) hes become a good friend aswell as my financial advisor! If u need help then hes your man! Ive also gotta thank my amazing friends who support me massively and my family who are ALWAYS there! Second best day of my life after having my babies! I cant wait to mow the lawn and read the paper in the garden with the kids! Pass the lambrini 😜🍹🍸🎉🎊🎈🎈
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 18:19:12 +0000

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