Heres a copy of my December Legislative Update: I am deeply - TopicsExpress


Heres a copy of my December Legislative Update: I am deeply honored by the trust you have placed in me as your representative, and I look forward to working on your behalf in Washington to bring your concerns to the forefront of the debates taking place. I wanted to send you an e-mail to give you an update on some things going on inside of DC: Immigration: I believe what the Administration has done is unprecedented, unconstitutional, and an affront to the American people. In addition to poisoning the well and making it almost impossible to work together on other issues, I believe the Administration’s actions have created a constitutional crisis that our Founding Fathers had hoped to avoid. Presidents cannot create law. Regardless of how one feels about this issue or any other, I believe that hopefully reasonable minds can come together and agree that the precedent set by this Administration is dangerous. I am fighting hard to make sure that Congress uses the power of the purse to stop this in its tracks. CRomnibus: While the spending bill contained several good reforms, I believe it didn’t address the fact that this Administration has taken extraordinary steps to violate both the Constitution of the United States and our separation of powers. For this reason, I voted against the legislation. I believe it simply did not do enough to stop the Administration’s executive action. Congress will have an opportunity to reevaluate the funding for the Administration’s executive order when funding for the Department of Homeland Security expires in February. Field Hearing: Recently, the Subcommittee on Oversight and Management Efficiency, part of the Committee on Homeland Security held a hearing on the campus of Clemson University. The hearing focused on challenges local communities face concerning emergency preparedness. We heard from some of the most qualified officials spanning from academia to law enforcement. Thanks to all of the participants, especially the law enforcement community who put their lives on the line every day to protect and serve the citizens of South Carolina. It is always important to break outside of the DC bubble and hear real stories from people on the ground. For more information on the hearing, please read this article from the Greenville News (link is external) or watch this story from by WSPA Greenville (link is external). American Energy Independence: On the energy front, America’s representatives must encourage the continued exploration and development of domestic natural resources. An “all of the above” plan can harness the power of the free market benefiting working Americans. I have pushed legislation to open up South Carolina’s coast in the federal waters of the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf for production which passed the House this Congress as part of the Offshore Energy and Jobs Act. A few months ago, South Carolina was given the green light for seismic testing on the coast for natural resources. Congress is working hard to have South Carolina included in the next five-year energy plan. A recent study prepared by Quest Offshore (here (link is external)) estimates that by 2035, offshore oil and natural gas development could produce 1.3 million barrels of oil equivalent per day, generate up to 280,000 jobs, contribute up to $23.5 billion per year to the U.S. economy, and generate $51 billion in total government revenue. My comprehensive energy plan, the Energy Exploration and Production to Achieve National Demand (EXPAND) Act, H.R. 3895, is essential to harnessing the wealth generated by the energy renaissance currently taking place in America. Much of the language from my bill H.R. 1613, the Outer Continental Shelf Transboundary Hydrocarbon Agreements Authorization Act was included in a Continuing Resolution passed by the House and signed into law by the President. The law lifts a moratorium on production of over nearly 1.5 million acres of the Gulf of Mexico known as the Western Gap. In the next Congress I encourage Congress to take up common sense policy measures that all rational people can agree on, such as the Keystone XL pipeline to continue to push energy production. Though these are only steps, the principles of liberty will serve to reinforce our economy by spreading innovation and ingenuity to the energy sector. Constitutional Oversight: I believe the holes continue to get deeper for the Administration as they dodge our efforts in the House to find the truth surrounding the many scandals plaguing the executive branch. Benghazi: There are Americans who are still unsatisfied with the answers given by the Administration concerning the death of four Americans at the Benghazi security compound over two years ago. Speaker Boehner’s support to continue the investigation by reselecting Congressman Gowdy to serve as chair of the Select Committee will provide oversight of the Executive branch. His conclusions will surely be made justly, and I wholeheartedly back his search for the truth of what happened that tragic night. Please follow the link for a further news update regarding the hearing here. (link is external) ObamaCare: Unfortunately, I believe there are still questions for the Administration to answer on Obamacare. The Department of Health and Human Services has recently disclosed that they have been misleading the American people on the ObamaCare enrollment figures by including dental plans. Over the next few weeks the House Committee on Oversight and Government reform will be investigating how far these numbers go. More information regarding the hearing can be found here (link is external), as well as a compilation of comments made by ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber here (link is external). IRS: In October, after a long fought battle against the Internal Revenue Service, the Laurens TEA Party has finally been granted approval for tax-exempt status. Also, an estimated 30,000 of the e-mails from Lois Lerner claimed to be lost by the IRS have been found! You can find articles for the Laurens TEA Party here (link is external), and the missing e-mails here (link is external). Jobs & the Economy: It is imperative Congress pushes rational and widely supported legislation that will incentivize businesses to hire and encourage optimism about the future. At least 47 jobs bills were stuck in the Senate during the 113thCongress. I insist the next Congress to follow the example of these bills by reintroducing them. Those include H.R. 890, Preserving Work Requirements for Welfare Programs Act, which prevents the undermining of reforms critical to helping millions out of poverty and into the workforce. The Small Business Capital Access and job Preservation Act, H.R. 1105 reins in the vast maze of red tape preventing small businesses from hiring Americans hurting for work. The American dream needs a jump start, and I believe the free market agenda is the perfect prescription to our current malaise. You can find a great compilation of pro-growth jobs bills here (link is external). I will continue to keep you updated on what is taking place in Washington. Please contact my office if you have any thoughts, questions, or opinions of what is taking place in our nation’s capitol. Blessing and Liberty, Jeff Duncan Member of Congress
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 16:41:10 +0000

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