Heres a great letter we received with an order - TopicsExpress


Heres a great letter we received with an order today! Howdy, Im 79 and been fishing since the late 40s. Im not a skilled fisherman, and generally the people around me catch three or four for my one. Often I get skunked when I should be scoring. Yesterday, nice sunny day, no wind, I put my home made7 foot row boat into a small local lake which promised good early season fishing. I used a Seps dodger, about 1 1/2 by 5 1/2 (?) and leader anywhere from 18 to 30 inches ()probably too much). Nite crawlers, Kastmasters, wooly buggers, it didnt matter. In the space of two hours I released at least a dozen fish, none under a foot. The unweighted Seps kinda floated, and all of the fish grabbed and came out of the water. All Raiibows, and probably stocked last year. My best fishing day ever! ( I mis-spelled fishing and it came out flushing; oh well . . . .) So I just ordered up some side-keckers. The dodger/flasher didnt begin its action untill I rowed HARD several strokes; I finally figured I could start it with a jerk, then row slowly. cheers! JR
Posted on: Tue, 13 May 2014 03:02:10 +0000

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