Heres a little Snowden storm update: Before the Senate - TopicsExpress


Heres a little Snowden storm update: Before the Senate Intelligence Committee, Director of National Intelligence Clapper called Snowdens document release a perfect storm and demanded that he and his accomplices return the documents. Assumedly, those accomplices are the journalists for papers like the Times and the Guardian (and Glenn Greenwald) still studying and releasing news on them. (Or maybe they are the fictional Russians Snowden keeps being accused of having been in cahoots with.) Clapper and other spy chiefs also warned, according to the LA Times, that insiders like Edward Snowden who leak secrets about sensitive U.S. intelligence programs pose a potentially greater danger to national security than terrorists. Glenn Greenwald took up the issue of accomplices, writing: Is it now the official view of the Obama administration that these journalists and media outlets are accomplices in what they regard as Snowdens crimes? If so, that is a rather stunning and extremist statement. Is there any other possible interpretation of Clappers remarks? Meanwhile, in the first speech of her new term in office, German Chancellor Angela Merkel denounced the U.S. surveillance programs (and Washingtons staunch defense of hanging onto them): A program in which the end justifies all means, in which everything that is technically possible is then acted out, violates trust and spreads mistrust. In the end, it produces not more but less security. Oh and in the always good new category, Obama nominated another military man, a vice-admiral and Navy cryptographer, to head the NSA. Yea! You dont want to break with tradition, do you? theguardian/world/2014/jan/29/james-clapper-condemns-snowden-senate-testimony Greenwald: Worse than terror: latimes/world/la-fg-worldwide-threats-20140130,0,2507629.story#ixzz2rtl03P65 Merkel: theguardian/world/2014/jan/29/angela-merkel-us-surveillance-speech-germany-chancellor New head of NSA: washingtonpost/world/national-security/obama-signs-off-on-nomination-of-rogers-as-nsa-director/2014/01/25/bc54378c-85f7-11e3-801f-e3ff2ca3fab6_story.html
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 16:27:53 +0000

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