Heres a little history on Military with PTSD. Military With PTSD - TopicsExpress


Heres a little history on Military with PTSD. Military With PTSD was started by Shawn J. Gourley in Aug. 2010 as a place to launch her free mini- book of The War At Home. Shawn wanted to help spouses prepare for when the soldiers came home and give them a understanding of what could really happen. Within weeks of launching the page Shawn realized just the spouses wasnt enough. The vets needed to be here to help the spouses understand what they were going through. Without both sides no one would learn anything and nothing would change. So Shawn opened the page up to both veterans and their spouses. The page name at that time was Being the wife of Military with PTSD So with the new changes Shawn let the page members both vets and spouses offer suggestions that they voted on. They went through tons of names like Families with PTSD (which the veterans felt that it would keep other vets from coming here), Living with PTSD (which they all agreed it made it sound like this was for the people who are diagnosed with PTSD and didnt focus on military), and finally the page members decided on the name Military with PTSD because that was the focus of what this page deals with. So when it was decided to become a non-profit in 2012, the page name became the official non-profit name. Shawn did the same thing with the PTSD TBI Awareness Ribbon colors and the title of her book. Even the book content and lay out was decided by the page members. Shawn told her story and adding Justins side and what topics were of most important to the community was how to full version of The War at Home came to be. I know we have a lot of new members and thought for you all a little history on how this all came to he would be of interest to you.
Posted on: Thu, 29 May 2014 13:00:00 +0000

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