Heres a little paean of praise to Murikan Ceptionalism: Our - TopicsExpress


Heres a little paean of praise to Murikan Ceptionalism: Our beloved tax accountant, a wonderful and brilliant woman, died just before we were to meet with her in April to file our taxes. Her partner, instead of taking our case (as would be the procedure in any company I was running...but hey...) pawned us off on an unknown entity...some other tax accountant down the hall in the same office building. We were desperate. It was April 14th and we had to file. We got all our material together and met with this guy in his office...a somewhat disarrayed cubicle...he was doing his best to appear competent, but we had our doubts (he spent about 10 minutes showing us his desk which raised and lowered from sitting to standing height)...we told him about how we were in shock...Mary, our trusted rabbi in the tax world, had been Lisas accountant for 15 years...she knew all the details of Lisas life and fiscal matters...when I came out to LA, she immediately took me under her wing as well, and had done a sterling job in keeping the IRS and CA state tax hounds away from our door...but now, suddenly, she was dead...and we were lost... Long story short: first, this moron loses all our documents, which forces us to file an extension. Then he presents a bill a full $150 above what Mary has been charging, and makes it clear he will file when that bill is paid...meaning, since we were living paycheck to paycheck (and, for the period from April 2014 to July 2014 with NO PAYCHECK or any other income save my SS and pension), it was going to be close to the October 15 deadline of the extension before the taxes were filed... To make matters worse, although there would be a refund from the Feds (which is already claimed by a Federal trustee), we were going to owe almost $900 to the CA state tax people...because of our having to withdraw against Lisas 401K during the time without income... Today, I got the bill from Sacramento...$850 plus...and it showed an item which indicated other tax as being the culprit for the amount owed. No explanation, just other tax... I scanned the document, and sent it to Mr. Quicken...he explained that the amount was due because of the early withdrawal (prior to 59 1/2 years old) on Lisas 401K....then he said of course, that would be exempted if you were on disability...I dont assume a doctor put you on disability, did he? WHAT?????????? WHAT THE F*CK??????????? Yes, you incompetent, deaf-dumb-and-blind asswipe! We not only gave you all the information of the disability claim on which Lisa, from 4/30/13 to 5/1/14 was on, but we also explained that this was the reason for our taxable income dropping by more than $40K during the 2013 tax year!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is there a point to this rant? I dunno, maybe...maybe the point is that a shingle does not make a professional... Whether it is your doctor, or your lawyer, or your tax accountant, or your construction contractor who has his or her head up their ass, the maxim remains CAVEAT EMPTOR...which, in Latin, means Cover your own ass because this jerks head is so far up his ass he is tickling his own tonsils... I suppose this explains Angies List....
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 04:24:10 +0000

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