Heres a little taste of When We Get to Paris. He dried his - TopicsExpress


Heres a little taste of When We Get to Paris. He dried his hands on the napkin beside him. The woman removed the pan of dirty water. “Marie-Claire?” he pointed to the girl. “Oui.” The woman pointed to herself. “Simone.” “I’m Henry. But you can call me Hank, if you’d like.” “Henri.” He smiled. He’d always thought of his name as old-fashioned. Being from Florida, his name was usually said with the accent on the first syllable, hen, like a squawking fowl. He preferred to be called Hank. Simone’s soft voice and pronunciation with the dropped h, the soft vowels and rolled r sounded altogether different. He tried saying it her way. “Henri.” The way he mimicked her accent made her duck her head to hide her smile. She was quite beautiful, this woman who had come to his rescue. Her dark blonde blond hair was braided and wrapped around her head. Curly wisps framed her pale face and her wide brown eyes. She poured a beverage into his glass. “Pommeau. Brandy et cidre.” He understood “brandy,” at least. There were so many ways she could hurt him if she wanted to. The drink, the food, a handy kitchen knife. But those beautiful brown eyes seemed without guile or deceit. “Sounds good.” He leaned over to place his rifle on the floor near his boot. When he sat upright, tiny lights danced in his vision. He must have lost a lot of blood, and he was definitely hungry. Finally taking a seat, Simone passed the tray of bread and cheese to him. He broke off a chunk of crusty bread, pausing to watch Marie-Claire spread the soft cheese on her bread with intense concentration. She looked up at him, a smile of pride on her face. He handed his piece of bread to her. “S’il vous plait?” She put her tongue between her lips as she focused on his slice. Henry looked up and caught the woman staring at him. A blush stained her cheeks, making her appear young and carefree. It seemed a moment out of time, the three of them breaking bread together while outside birds chirped and goats bleated. Henry could almost imagine that he was visiting a beautiful friend in the French countryside, except his leg was burning with pain.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 18:58:23 +0000

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