Heres a movie concept for you. Its a parody of Hollywood and the - TopicsExpress


Heres a movie concept for you. Its a parody of Hollywood and the movie-making process. Along the lines of The Player or Ed Wood. Basic elements of the story line include: - A couple of goofballs go on a mission to assassinate some tin-pot dictator of some isolated, half-baked country. - One of the goofballs, who apparently spends most of his life privately baked, has the brilliant idea of doing a pot-friendly premiere in good, old Denver where people attending the opening of this cinematic artistry come pre-baked. - A major studio in an industry that thrives on espionage thrillers has IT security systems that are completely amateur hour and easily hacked. - That hack reveals such highly sensitive, national security information as Hollywood salaries, industry gossip, meaningless e-mail exchanges, and the borderline racist musings of a few oh-so-enlightened studio executives. - Of course, after largely cheering hacking enterprises that revealed real and consequential national security information (Snowden, Assange, etc.), Hollywood types (maybe an Aaron Sorkin cameo) rally around to assert their right of privacy and protect such vital industry secrets. - Some blowhards, perhaps associated with this half-baked country and perhaps not, make some non-credible threats against any theaters that show this movie. - Theater chains predictably go into full panic mode. - So this Hollywood studio, in a town famous for its uncompromising commitment to freedom of expression, folds like a cheap suitcase and announces that this movie will not be released after all. Its rough and needs work. But Im sure theres something in it. What should we call this new production? My working title is The Collapse. Or perhaps just The Bakery.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 18:11:15 +0000

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