Heres a new post from the KPL Bookaneers! Those Shoes by - TopicsExpress


Heres a new post from the KPL Bookaneers! Those Shoes by Maribeth Boelts Illustrated by Noah Z. Jones Did your parents ever tell you that you couldnt buy something because it was a want and not a need? Jeremy wants a new pair of shoes. He dreams of new sneakers, black high-tops with two white stripes. Everyone he knows has those shoes everyone, except for him and Antonio. But one day the soles of Jeremys shoes fall apart. Will his Grandmother buy him those shoes, or will Jeremy have to wait? Thanks to my Mom the art teacher, Im drawn to books that have great artwork but this book also has a great message. Most of the time we cant buy everything we want. We have to choose the item we need instead. Jeremy wants a new pair of sneakers but, as his Grandmother says, he needs a new pair of boots for winter. Choosing a need over a want is a hard lesson to learn but Maribeth Boelts and Noah Z. Jones have created the perfect book for the job.Boelts has created a character that many children can relate to. Jeremy has strong feelings and struggles to make the right choice when faced with the choice of getting what he wants and helping a classmate. Ultimately he makes the decision to give up his dream of having those shoes so Antonio,a boy who needs them more, can have them. I like that this book explores the topic of consumerism, wants vs. needs, and helping others in a way that kids can understand. All in all this is a great book. If youd like to place it on hold just click on the book cover!
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 23:13:16 +0000

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