Heres a post from a Birth Mom, wanting some input about her - TopicsExpress


Heres a post from a Birth Mom, wanting some input about her daughters father and his involvement. Please welcome her to our group and offer her your supportive encouragement and kind words of advice! I could really use some step-parenting views on my current issue: So basically Im the BM, my daughters father left me before I had her and moved to TX with his now wife. It has been nearly three years since he has left. Our daughter is 2.5 he had never met her spite many efforts on my part to set Skyping and offering to pay for him to fly here to NH where we always lived. He had declined all of these by simply ignoring me. His wife sends boxes every few months(according to labeling its always her name not his,few with his name on them) of mostly hand me downs and things of that nature. His wife was able to afford to hook a flight from him, her daughter and herself to come for three days over thanksgiving. They would like me to just drop our daughter off with them and just let them be for the time they are here. I simply told them no, not happening. If they would like to met each of those days for however long where myself and my bf(whom our daughter knows as dad,and only knows as dad) together , so they can get to know her slowly since they are compete strangers to her. Ive asked why it has taken so long for him her father to care and his wife replies that it isnt that he didnt care, its that he couldnt afford to be a part of her life so it was better to be completely out until he was able to be full time. I disagree full heartily Ive asked a year ago to begin skyping once a week to develop some type of relationship and he ignores me, she is only two at her age she only knows what is and isnt familiar currently he is unfamiliar. Now that he is working and making better money I know he will be able to afford to be a full time parent but am I wrong to think that it should happen over time not over night especially with it taking him so long,her age, and the distance of where we are and where he is?
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 20:20:01 +0000

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