Heres a question Ive received privately from several people over - TopicsExpress


Heres a question Ive received privately from several people over the past couple of weeks: how do we know Ebola even exists? Has anyone actually seen this guy who was in isolation in a Dallas hospital? This is one of the hazards of running a page like this one. It can be difficult to know who to believe. We are being assured that the outbreaks in Africa have killed thousands of people. While again, admittedly, none of us have been there, with people coming & going from those countries every day, this would be impossible to fake. In addition, there is a person at the CDC who owns the patent. There is evidence that Ebola is man-made! Thats the real smoking gun! I was sent this privately earlier today. Read the article. Dr. Laibow (whom Ive met a couple of times here in Chile) has developed a treatment for Ebola, a treatment which is being suppressed by the CDC & by the WHO. Now why would they do that? I am willing to entertain the idea that something far worse might be going on than a pretend disease. Note the careful way I worded that. I said, willing to entertain! I did not say there is proof of this; I only note that it is consistent with other points of the superelite agenda of producing a controlled population & reducing its size because there is not enough work. The idea is this: Ebola is brought to the U.S. (elsewhere in the West) as a weaponized disease where it can actually thrive better in cold weather, transmitted in water droplets as well as through contact with infected body fluids. It gets loose, possibly courtesy of health workers themselves (this is what happened in Liberia & Sierra Leone). Governments then have the excuse they need to begin locking down cities (we know from the Boston experience that the feds both can & will do it for something far less serious) & moving those exposed to the disease into camps (which already exist in every state). They get the disease, & die. Population drops. The superelite kills off a portion of the population through a plague it engineered. Obviously, I hope this scenario is wrong!! (Video in comments section below.) But it isnt, you need to begin NOW to protect yourself! Dr. Laibows nanosilver is the best thing Ive seen to take matters into your own hands! Regardless of what has or has not been proven, if you trust the authorities on this one youre out of your mind!
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 01:29:57 +0000

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