Heres a random thought (train of thought anyway) that I had today. - TopicsExpress


Heres a random thought (train of thought anyway) that I had today. This will be long, doubt anyone is going to read it completely. But Im going to type it out nonetheless to see if someone could add things to it and give me some new and fresh perspective. (Which I love. ) Random Thought. Category:- Theoretical experiments with morality/ethics removed from the equation (For more wriggle room. :p) In this theoretical world of theory, we design and build a facility of whichs ultimate purpose is to create selection pressure for intelligence. (As in, a place where only individuals with high enough intelligence can overcome certain hazards and survive to mating age.) However, humans are not the subject of this study. Im interested in certain birds (that already show SOME signs of intelligence here in the real world.) such as Corvids (Crows, Ravens, Magpies, etc..) and some parrots. The facility is designed in a way that takes into consideration and adapts to the intelligence level of the general population within it at any given time. So things wont get too easy, and the selection pressure will remain constantly present. And it would be even more fascinating if the facility could be designed so that the birds ability to fly will still be necessary for survival throughout the experiment. (In other words, designed in a way so that the main selection pressure is for intelligence but the ability of flight is still preserved.) This experiment would obviously be a very long term one, and would need to be maintained over generations of scientists. Unless we somehow genetically modify the subjects so that they have a short lifespan and mature very quickly, without interfering with the qualities under experimentation. But that would be hard and would sort of render the whole point of the experiment moot, would it not? I guess we could use fruit flies or something instead of the birds. But the birds are what Im really interested in. Wonder what the results would be, and how long it would take for there to be noticeable changes. And how it would affect the world. I doubt humans could ever successfully conduct an experiment like this. At least not in the state we are in now. Maybe an artificial Intelligence with enough time and resources could do it. (Definitely could.) But then again, why would it. I assume an A.I would have enough computational power to create an absolute simulation of the experiment, set the speed of the simulation so that it pretty much finishes instantly and see the results. An A.I could figure out a lot of hypothetical scenarios in that regard. Thats how computers win at chess. I wonder what would be complex enough that an A.I actually has to wonder about it. Must be quite something. Wish I could imagine it. Theres no real point to this thought. Its just a thought/random thought process. Why dont you have one here as well? :D
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 21:22:40 +0000

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