Heres a rebuttal to a rather pugnacious believer who, quite - TopicsExpress


Heres a rebuttal to a rather pugnacious believer who, quite honestly, simply posts to see her own writing on the atheist debate forums. She denies outright and without thought anything that doesnt fit into her rather narrow worldview, while claiming she wants reasonable and logical discussion/debate on the rather inane and intellectually dishonest questions she poses to the group. Question: What I want to know is if Jesus and his existence wasnt real and he was made up, than how come people who have lived on this earth for 100 years from 1907 to 2007 have knowledge about his existence, who was taught by there parents who lived years before them? Who was then taught by there parents years before that. Jesuss name has been known by many different generations and his name is well known. So please explain to me how Jesus name has been known through out history over the many decades if he never existed ? (sic) My reply: Because superstitions are handed down from generation to generation. Its really that simple. As many have pointed out, people still know the names of Zeus and Apollo, Horus and Ra, Muhammad and Allah. That doesnt make them any more real than your own arbitrarily chosen fairytale. But, as you have shown in the past, you will thoughtlessly deny all that. But, the real truth of it is that your religion wasnt spread by the strength of its own merits or manifest truth, it was spread by the sword. There was a time not too long ago when it was illegal to not believe or to believe something different. Doing so could earn you not only the loss of your wealth and lands simply by implication, but it could also earn you a brutally long and torturous death. Nearly all of the most sadistically ingenious and agonizingly brutal torture devices known to man over the last 1800 years were invented solely to be used against people who were not aligned with the church. These sinister devices were explicitly designed to elicit the maximum amount of anguish, to cause the maximum amount of damage and/or disfigurement, over the maximum amount of time as was possible before the subject died. And should the subject have actually converted during such torture sessions, they were immediately executed using the excuse of making sure they couldnt recant before meeting their maker. Since lands and property could legally be confiscated by the church and its representatives if someone was even accused of heresy, the question of actual guilt became secondary, and indeed, unimportant. Once the church found the accusation of wealthy land owners and merchants to be such a lucrative business, no borders were respected of personal property or of State. Entire swaths of land were annexed and their owning families tortured to death for their riches. Entire kingdoms were held for ransom and whole regions were left in ruin. In short, the reason why we in the west are still familiar with your religions pantheon of fictional characters is simply due to greed, blood-lust and the quest for empire. Your ancestral church simply killed off anyone who didnt believe, or was accused of not believing, or was accused of believing in a competing worldview, and seized their property. Its also why the Catholic church is today the wealthiest single land-owner on the planet. But, the real question you should be asking is not why we still know the name of your Jesus, but why your religion is so overwhelmingly fragmented, with each denomination bitterly opposed to the other. Why have there been so many schisms over the centuries? If your gods word is so eternal, so universally true and so indivisibly perfect, why are there so many differing versions of your Bible? The simple answer is because your Bible is none of those things, your god is a comforting delusion and your religion is nothing more than a man-made system invented by charlatans in order to control you through your own credulousness, pridefully belligerent ignorance, instinctual need to belong and desperate craving to feel special and somehow superior to others. But, you wont have read this far, anyway. I doubt you got past the first paragraph due to the knife-edged ache of your cognitive dissonance - but if you did, youve been steadfastly denying everything along the way. Your indoctrinated self-enslavement is complete. As I pointed out yesterday morning, youre not here for answers, for reasonable debate or logical, rational discussion. Youre simply here to preach your message in order to give yourself the warm and fuzzy illusion of being self-righteously morally superior to all you survey. So, in fact, this entire article isnt really written for you, but for those who may come honestly looking for real answers to the same question.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 06:55:03 +0000

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