Heres a story I started writing, would love critics, now forget - TopicsExpress


Heres a story I started writing, would love critics, now forget the grammer. lol Ill deal with that later. The stranger from my dreams: It was a cold night, with high winds, pouring rain with every drop sounded louder and louder. Yet it seemed so silent but scary at the same time. I saw someone entered the door, strange the door never opened. He was tall, dark and partially wet. His hair was messy, shoulder length and he had not the best teeth. He looked a bit scary, how did he get in? Where he came from? His presence freaked me out! I was afraid to get up from my chair, being home alone with this strange man in my hallway just staring at me. He looked like someone I had seen several times before, someone I was afraid off. Then I remembered this was the devil from my dreams. My heart was now beating very variously, my body felt cold and yet hot. I was sweating, I was so afraid I could not talk. As he walked closer to me I was frozen, I could not feel my legs. I felt faintish, disoriented, and wanted to be somewhere else. I was no longer in control; he was in control of me. As he came closer his eyes were bloody red, and his breading was loud. He asked me to stand-up, his voice was harsh, loud and demanding. I wanted it all to end but like he was in control over my taught and physical body. As we walked towards my front door he took me outside, it was very, very dark and cold outside. I remembered feeling the rain drops and hearing the loud wind. I then woke-up and it was daylight, the sun was shining straight in my eyes, it was a sunny day I had never seen before. Like I was in a different world, the place was so calm, and yet scary. I am not sure how long I had been asleep, or how I got here. There’s no one next to me, I was laying flat in the grass all alone and scared. I am hungry and thirsty. I started walking through the bushes and I heard the loud scary voice I recognized asking me to wait!. The stranger was now next to me again. He held my hand and took me inside a cave. Now I can hear voices and noises. It seems like there were lots of people, but I could not recognize what they were saying. Seems there were too many people talking and laughing all at the same time. As I went inside the cave about a five minutes’ walk, there were about fifty and more strangers getting ready to eat lunch. This stranger sat me down in a chair amongst the others. Everyone was now silent; I could hear the sound of every gesture. Everyone was staring at me, in dismayed. It seems like they had never seen one like me before. They were all so scary looking, like they were scavengers. They smelled like the rain forest. There were roasted chicken, mash potatoes, gravy, turkey legs, beans, corn and water. My hunger were gone, the tall dark stranger introduce himself as Leroy. I also introduce myself asTina. At the time that was the only name that pop up into my head. Both those names seemed so known to me. It was I knew both those names from somewhere. I was so hungry, I ate without watching anyone. I had roasted chicken with mash potatoes. I had not asked or questioned anyone why I was there. After eating Leroy took me to a room with a small shower made out of stone. There was a small bed in the room with clothes and a towel, laying on the bed with the white sheets clean sheets for me. Like all this was waiting on me, much prepared. Leroy left the room, I then went to shower. The water was a bit cold, but it was no coming from a tap but like a water fountain from the mountain above. I could see part out the mountain from the bathroom. After showing I changed into the pink dress laying on the bed for me. It was just my size and there was a pair of white slippers on the floor again my size. I was scared to go outside, and scared to stay inside. I decided to lay on the bed for a bit. I most probably fell asleep. I heard Leroy’s voice close to my ear asking if I was okay. I quickly got up from the bed. I was still afraid to ask what I was doing here and where was I? He then held my hand again, his touch was so romantic, it was whenever he touched me it had brought chills to my body. I was still afraid but felt a bit comfort around him. He walked outside the cave; he should me the water fall, the beautiful mountain, and showed me another road called the safe path. I had asked him why it’s called the safe path he said he’ll explain that to me later. I could see the most beautiful butterflies, the colors were so amazing. I felt like a child again, there were paths to walk up the mountains and the sound of the waterfall was one of the most beautiful sounds I had heard in such a long time. I looked up at Leroy and he was a strong masculine built man, with beautiful blue eyes. He’s so gentle and caring. I am getting used to his voice it was not loud but a bit stern. As we spent the evening hours together watching the sun set, it felt like something I had done may times before.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 21:04:06 +0000

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