Heres a story im making. Please tell me how it - TopicsExpress


Heres a story im making. Please tell me how it is. “Shit.” Blood seeping through my clenched teeth, I can hardly make out what just happened. Theres blood everywhere on me. On my shirt, my pants, all over my face. Why am I even fighting this battle that I know I probably wont even win. He murdered them. They were stronger than me but he did it with ease right in front of my eyes with that same smile on his face. Why...why am I losing? I trained so hard for this moment. The only thing that meant something in my life was taken from me and I finally catch the guy who did it but cant kill him. Pitiful, to put it simply. “So this is what the mixture of a demon and angel can do?” The dark man begins to walk towards me, hastening with every step until he is running at me, full sprint. I try to move out of the way but my arms buckle under the pain. I scream in agony as he runs up to me and kicks me hard in the ribs, breaking several on impact. I can feel the pressure in my lungs escape as I gasp for air, crawling around like a fish out of water trying my best to breathe. “You come to me wanting to kill me...and you cant even hit me? What is this a joke?” He snarls. “I-Im going to...Im going to...” I mutter still fighting to stand up but all is in vain at this point. My body is shutting down. “Youre going to what?” Laughing, the man picks me up by the collar of my shirt and spits on my face, mocking me but theres nothing I can do about it. I cant fight back. I cant believe Im saying this but...Im too weak...A tear runs down my eye as I breathe my last few agonizing breaths before slipping into unconsciousness. The darkness begins to envelope me as I feel my body being tossed into concrete. Everything is black as night now, I cant see a thing. I feel weightless like Im on a cloud or something. “Wake up Najiro.” I hear the voice boom through my head...or is it real? I know this voice. Its the voice Ive known since the day I was born. “D-dad?” My lips hardly move and only a whisper is heard. “Wake up now...” The voice gets louder, as if its getting closer to me. I can feel my heart begin to beat but why? I thought I had died. Im supposed to be dead by now. “NOW!!” He booms. That voice shakes me to my very core, waking me up almost instantly. I sit up faster than I ever thought I would to see exactly what I saw before I fell unconscious. The city lay desolate before me. My own hometown, the place where memories where shared, where my friends and relatives lived...the town where She lived. Tossing rubble aside, I begin to crawl out from the debris and eventually stand up on my feet, panting, as I look around for any signs of him. “He...he killed them...he killed them all” I couldnt believe what I saw. It was right there in front of me but I still couldnt bring myself to the truth. Everyone is gone. I slam my hands onto the ground, shaking my head frantically. My screams are hoarse and almost silent as I kneel, helpless in the middle of what I once knew as a street. “I cant give up...maybe she is alive. I gotta go to her house.” Once more, I stand, limping my way to the crater that used to be her house. “, no it cant...she cant be...” Breathing in deeply, I stand and begin my descent down the crater towards the remains of the now shattered home. It looked as if it were hit by a nuke. Everything looked charred and there were no signs of anyone until I went further, deeper into the mess. Okay thats it lol.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 17:52:20 +0000

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