Heres a story of Gods ability to talk to us, through us, and how - TopicsExpress


Heres a story of Gods ability to talk to us, through us, and how God is truly always in a Good Mood - I was driving to a church fellowship last night. I had on Z88.3 FM here in the Daytona Beach, Florida area. All day - I was talking to Jesus about whether it was true that he is in a good mood today - just like everyday because, I on the other hand was not...(grumpy face) So I was driving and was nearing our church and I was getting excited for what is to come: Faith minded people in fellowship. I was hoping God would show up and move like he only knows how. I was anticipating it. My bad mood was starting to lift. My ear caught the radio DJ talking about how there are two different types of Florida residents: The born here and lived here since birth or close to it Like herself. She explains how they love the 65 Degree Winter weather because it gives them a chance to pull out their winter wear. She goes on to explain how there are others who came from up north like the DJ in the afternoon before her: (I believe from the website [ ] that the afternoon DJs name is Tracy Leak [https://facebook/Z88.3Middays ] and the evening shift rest in Suzanne and Deanos hands [ https://facebook/Z88.3Afternoons ] ) who - keep the AC on and cold like its a meat hanging freezer. And on top of that - she was wearing shorts. It was pretty funny but, I didnt pay much attention to it. It did catch my listening ear because Im from Vermont where we know cold! So I get into the church fellowship and right off the bat there is a rocking chair in front of me. So I asked the lady who takes care of the church if she was using the chair. She said no - and I dragged it into the circle where everyone was sitting on hard plastic ones. I dont mind hard plastic chairs - but I like to lean back and relax. I feel it helps me listen better to others and I always disagreed with the theory that sitting up straight in your chair was good for you (studies have shown: lmgtfy/?q=sitting+up+straight+bad+for+your+back to prove my case ). And of course some of the fellowship looked at me in dismay. I made it clear that I didnt care and asked if anyone wanted the chair. They all declined. So I reclined and felt peace. My mood was getting better! We started the fellowship with a bible passage that really didnt make a deep impact on the study lesson we were getting into: grief (which I dont completely agree with the method or approach used in this fellowship [goes against my personal belief but, I attend anyways.. ]) So I just started to mediate on God and ask for his presence and just listen to people speak. I started to feel super good. Like super super super super super good. It was amazing. I had to close my eyes because it felt so good. It must of looked like I was sleeping - but I was in a deep listening position (again - another story). I finally chimed in to make a counter perspective towards anothers outlook that nobody understood. I almost started an argument but, I caught myself and refrained (The leader of our group did provide understanding towards my position at the end and others I believe did come to see my perspective). Then I spoke up about my personal experience the last 4 years on the subject of grief. And I exploded with my insight! I took a small risk and it felt awesome! Please hang in with me here - its about to get real! Supernaturally real! So to make a long story long - a gentleman started to discuss a problem of his: how he gets very bored and finds himself falling into the temptation of an addiction. Right away Im drawn to him. He reminding me of another gentlemen that kept quiet during a previous fellowship. I thought this was that person (it wasnt). But I know of the pain and frustration he speaks about. He dived into an example of how he works in A MEAT REFRIGERATOR all day and the confusion of taking life one step at a time. My mind quickly races back to the radio DJ and the dots are being connected. God wants me to say something here and to him. I know it - but what? I have no clue. Is this for real? So I take a closer look at his person - he is wearing SHORTS! So I start diving deeper into asking God what is going on here. Am I just imagining things? Is this just another looking in toooo deep situation that others seem to think I do? Just another hopeless association I myself am drawing together? After some more fellowship and myself in a state of bewilderment and excitement (Mood Status: Good) - the meeting ends and I asked the leader of the group what that mans name was. I almost had it right with the first letter being correct - but I said his buddys name that started with the same letter instead (like: Jeff and John). The leader thought I was referring to the other guy as I asked if that gentleman was wearing shorts. He said no. I clarified by explaining I meant the gentleman that works in the meat refrigerators - which, the leader said his name. I proceeded to bounce off of him what God was and is revealing to me in this moment. He said that gentleman use to (slight emphasis) work in a meat refrigerator all day but not now ( again - slight emphasis). He then walked away. And I asked myself - really? Thats it? And I started to not believe it. But I knew better! It didnt matter that he use to work in the meat frig. The fact that he did and it was confirmed that he did by the leader was all the confirmation I needed even though I too was still confused by what this all means in my flesh. I thought that was it. God was showing me he is here resting on this place. That I thought awesome enough! After a couple of quick good byes and see you next times with others I began to walk outside. I thought to myself that I should of said something to this gentleman. As it happened - They were pulling out of the parking lot and I just started walking towards them like I needed something, because he stopped the car and asked if I needed a ride. I did need something. I needed to tell him something! But what? I had no idea. But I risked it and went all in - I said: No (his name) I dont need a ride. Thank you though. What I need to say is God is telling me to tell you that if you turn your addiction into an addiction for him - it will be the most amazing experience for the rest of your life! Beyond your wildest of dreams and imagination. He looked at me like I was crazy. It kind of hurt to be honest - but thats all right. I know a relationship with Jesus is awesome (plus I am juuuuust a smidge crazy ;) )! I know because I was experiencing it right then and there! And I am as I type this. Did anything come out of what I said to him? I believe so. A seed was planted. Will it bear fruit? Maybe not now, or tomorrow, or for a lifetime. Maybe not in this life - I do not know entirely how God thinks or works. But I do know he is in a good mood! And I too am now threw the roof with joy in 110 percent Good Mood Mode. Like completely full and overflowing with Joy. Now Im laughing with Joy as I type these words. God is truly ahead, behind and right in the midst of everything! Praise his name! The one on most high! He is good all the time. And he is in a good mood! (enter hapless plug here: https://facebook/GodIsInAGoodMood ). When he says he wants all of you - he wants all of you! And thats a good thing! Oh glory to the most marvelous one! I pray right now that others experience your never changing love that is good! I pray that you continue to work through your people so that others might just have a glimpse of your inner beauty and splendor! I pray that you pour it out through your Holy Spirit like never before. Rest on your loved ones father and fill us with amazing Joy. You love us and we love you. Akabad shamena. Amen! Thank you lord. Thank you! Thank you for your love. This might seem like a big whoopdee do to an outside person looking in. I know because Im like this almost all the time. And this might seem like I took a very small risk in the grand scheme of things. Truth be told, it probably was. But not in that moment. And in this moment as I publicly tell this experience I am taking a risk. And I will continue to do so! I might even take a risk that might cost me my life here in this world on earth. But I am not of this world. To quote C.S. Lewis We are not bodies with souls. We are souls with bodies. https://youtube/watch?v=hCRfyDXitgI ;) One Love
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 04:25:20 +0000

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