Heres a testimony from me (Eric) I want to start by saying that - TopicsExpress


Heres a testimony from me (Eric) I want to start by saying that so far this year, 2015 has been one of the most difficult years of my life. Theres been very serious family illnesses, two of which may finish their journey at any moment at this point. I have a best friend, who I love dearly who has been going through some of the same with family. This person has also made some horrible life changing choices, which has affected other loved ones and a child. Ive done everything I know to be of help, including sharing Christ. Nothing Ive attempted has seems to have done any good. I gave when I couldnt afford to give, I been there for this person when it was nearly impossible to be there. Doing these things have created burdens in my life. I never expect anything back other than to maintain a good friendship. Mostly what I receive is anger, hostility, and defense. This situation Ive wanted to walk away from for a long time but Im told not to give up on this person. Every time I want to get away from this situation, God tells me not to. He challenges me by having me do things, I dont feel capable of doing. and doing things that seem impossible. In addition to these things...I struggle from month to month, wondering how my bills are going to be paid or how I will make it until my next paycheck. I was receiving financial assistance through different programs. At the first of the year, I learned that my help became declined as I no longer reach the guidelines. Minimum wage went up, yet my paycheck didnt. I was in the process of filing my income taxes to find out that I would get a return of only about $150. I had trouble understanding why its so low. I had three different professionals look at my info. all to come up with the exact same numbers. I eventually learned that the Government has changed the guidelines to the federal tax bracket. The tax refund is something I depend on each year to get financially caught up on things and maybe a small amount for myself. Ive been having much pain in my knees lately. The pain there originated when I was only 16 or 17 years old. Sometimes it would bother me, other times its not that bad. Finally, today I show up for work to learn that I no longer have a job. There is a huge list of things that I could go on and on about. Some of these things I mentioned arent that bad considering many other peoples issues so I count myself blessed. The truth is...Im pretty stressed. The punches keep rolling in one right after the other. Some of them are downright painful. Some of the the punches seem to hit below the belt. Its been said when it rains, it pours...Well its been raining for months and the pouring shows no sign of letting up. Sounds like an awesome testimony right? Bare with me just a little longer. Theres times Ive prayed and asked, Whats the deal or isnt it time for a break? Ive not really received an answer yet. He does however remind me to trust Him and reminds me that all things work for the good to those who love the Lord. I know the verse and I know He keeps His promises but sometimes its honestly difficult to grip to this. So...Ive been left with only two choices...sit here and be miserable wondering what Im going to do next or trust that God already has it taken care of. Its not always easy but out of those two choices...I choose to trust Him. That is truly my only choice. A test today is a testimony tomorrow. God has never failed me nor has He given up on me, nor has He told me to figure it out on my own. So this is my testimony...I dont know exactly why Ive been put in certain situations, I dont know why Im dealing with certain things, I dont know why things have been so difficult lately, I dont know why Im not seeing the results. I do know that these things are temporary and I do know that God knows and has everything in His control. I know that if I continue to trust Him and let Him have it all...then Hes already taken care of each and every situation. I dont know whats next but He does. Whatever is next...the problems have already been solved...and for that I thank Him! Because He lives, I can face tomorrow, Because He lives, all fear is gone; Because I know He holds the future, And life is worth the living, Just because He lives! Amen. Praise God!
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 03:11:21 +0000

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