Heres a tip or two that will help you cope in cold weather. The - TopicsExpress


Heres a tip or two that will help you cope in cold weather. The deep South is grappling with the coldest winter in many years, and another Arctic blast is on its way. As our ice-fishing cousins prove, cold water doesn’t mean the fish won’t bite; however, if you want to get in on Guntersville’s February Big Fish Bonanza, you’ll want to make sure your body is prepared to take the cold when you head to the water. Obviously, you’ll want to dress for success. The importance of wearing layers of clothing cannot be overemphasized. Special fabrics designed to keep athletes warm in cold weather, including under-garments that fit tight to the body to maintain heat, are now widely available and reasonably priced. As the protective “skin” of an apple or orange binds tightly to the fruit to protect it, a skin-tight fabric layer works pretty much the same way for us. In extremely cold weather, a skintight protective coating protects our bodies’ heat source. If you have a close-fitting layer next to your body, then each layer you wear over them traps a layer of warm air. Overlay everything with a vented windbreaker or microfiber parka prevents that heat from leaking out. How you dress is important, but believe it or not, preparing to cope with cold isnt only about what you put ON your body but what you put IN it. You can do a few things to prepare your body before you brave the elements to better handle intense cold. Body preparation starts with a proper diet. Start with good portions of carbohydrates like rice, pasta, bread and beans. Carbohydrates give you energy and allow your body to run like a well-tuned, high-performance engine. The next important need for your body is proper amounts of liquids. We sometimes forget to hydrate properly when we’re outside in cold, windy weather; but cold air is dry, and you’re losing moisture with every breath you take. Plus, your body needs fluids for heat-producing metabolism. Fishermen are very much like any other athlete participating cold weather; your body needs water and plenty of it to maintain body functions that keep you warm and safe. So drink plenty of water and non-caffeinated beverages. If you neglect this advice, as the fluid levels in your body decline, your metabolism slows, your body produces less heat, and you lose the ability to protect yourself from the cold. Diet, liquids and clothing layers are all part of smart preparation that you can use to keep your body safe from the elements and make a cold day on the water enjoyable. Captain Mike Gerry Fish Lake Guntersville Guide Service fishlakeguntersvilleguideservice Email: [email protected] Phone: 256 759 2270
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 04:59:25 +0000

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