Heres a very special post that the Chief shared with us to inspire - TopicsExpress


Heres a very special post that the Chief shared with us to inspire yall on your journey. Please take a moment and read about this picture. I am so happy that Chief is a friend of the page and has taken the time to create the Fired Up Moms Bucket List! (((hugs))) lisa Dear Fired Up Mom Thanks for supporting your heros decision to join the world greatest Air Force. It probably seems like yesterday when your hero embarked on the journey to Basic Military Training. During this challenging time, Im sure you endured many sleepless nights, wondering how your hero was doing. You probably wrote countless letters, attempting to gain some solitude from the anxieties of the unknown. As you anxiously waited for that first phone call and heard the trembling voice of your hero, you always remembered to offer words of encouragement to get them through another day. However, when the phone hung up, you constantly worried about your heros well being, as only a mother could. With each passing day, your thoughts remained with your hero. As the day of graduation grew closer, the more anticipation of seeing your hero again became overwhelming at times. For some, your journey would require long security lines as you took to the friendly skies. While others spent hours behind a wheel, driving across countless states. Nothings were going to stop you from attending your heros life changing events. As you know, there is no better cheer of support than that of a Fired up Mom. Once you arrive at Joint Base San Antonio Lackland, The Gateway to Air Force, you anxiously awaited the graduation festivities. From lining the streets with your signs of support during the Airman formation, to bursting with pride while your Hero transformed from trainee to Airman at the retreat, and observing your hero march down the sacred bomb run during graduation parade, you were fired up, motivated, and full of Pride, Enthusiasm, and Passion (PEP) about all your heros achievements. I salute you for your encouragement and support of your hero successful completion of this incredible milestone to serve our great Nation! Now that your hero has graduated basic and finished a temporary assignment in technical school, in my humble opinion, you will need to ramp up your support in the next chapter, Operational Air Force. Unquestionably, this is probably the hardest adjustment your hero will make and will require increased support from you. I have no doubt that you; Fired up Mom is up for the challenge. Serving as the top enlisted leader at four major installations, I have witnessed some significant struggles to heroes flourishing in this new role. Some of these trials could have been conquered with extra encouragement from Fired Up Moms. Therefore, I highly recommend you do the following to support your hero as he/she continues to Aim High in the United States Air Force. Fired Up Mom Hero Bucket List 1. Memorable Memento: A couple of years ago, a fellow Command Chief showed me a prize possession he had received from his parents. The book was one, Im sure you have seen from Dr Seuss Oh! The Place We Will Go: This book is an awesome graduation gift and perfect for this occasion. It describes up times and down times, waiting times and stressful times. By providing this or another Memorable Memento and writing an inspiring message inside the cover, you will help to keep your hero fired up about their new adventures. Many years from now, your hero will prominently display this book in their office as a prized possession. 2. Vacation Time: Take a vacation and visit your hero at their installation: Show a major interest in their career and meet with his friends, coworkers and supervisors. Get to know their First Sergeant/Supervisor and get their telephone numbers, it might come in handy one day. One of the best late night phone call I ever received was from a Fired Up Mom who had legitimate concerns...we were able to stop a terrible situation. The Air Force is one big Family that you and your Hero are now a part of that family. 3. Remember Where They Came From: Encourage your hero to request Recruiter Assistant Program (RAP) annually. I know Fired Up Moms love when their heroes come home; therefore, encourage your hero request participation in RAP program which is 12 days of free leave and may be granted as long as their Supervisor, Commander, and Recruiter approves. Not only is your hero spreading the word about the Air Force but he/she is also spending time with family; you cant put a price on that. 4. Hometown Hero Release: Hometown News Release, DD Form 2266, this is an opportunity for your hero to publicize their career achievement through the hometown newspaper, radio or television station. I know fired Up Moms are proud of their heros achievements and I recommend showing off what their hero has accomplished in the local newspaper. Encourage your hero to share accomplishment such as promotion to Senior Airman or above, awards, decoration, re-enlistments, and receipt of college degrees. 5. Military Scrap Book: Make and update a scrapbook that highlights your heros military career. I recommend building this scrapbook in chronological order. Whenever your hero gets promoted, place a set of their stripes in the book! When their name is listed in the base paper or program, place a copy of that program in the book. Every time they visit home, pull out the book and go over the content and then make them put on their uniform to capture a picture with them. The time spent in the USAF will go by fast, therefore, please help them make memories of it whenever you get the chance. When their Air Force career all said and done your Hero will love you for it. 6. Be Loud Be Proud: Wear your lapel pin on special occasion and have your hero send you a Proud AF Mom bumper sticker. 7. Financial Reminders: Finance: Encourage and help your hero stack paper aka save money. If they have not invested in Thrift Saving Plan (TSP), every time you talk to your hero remind them to take advantage of investment opportunity. Most of them learn about TSP in Basic Training and during their First Term Airmen Center. Unfortunately not too many of them take advantage of this opportunity. If TSP was around when I was an Airman, I would be a millionaire today...In addition, if they plan on purchasing a car, I recommend you discuss interest rates with them. 8. Education is Key: Make sure you are talking to them about going to school and achieving job certification. A couple of years ago, I wrote an article in Airman Magazine about obtaining a Community College of Air Force (CCAF) degree. In this article, I mentioned how I expected heroes to complete their CCAF degree during first enlistment. With College Level Entrance Examination, on-line courses, and universities on base, this is easily achievable goal...therefore, they need to take advantage of all the education opportunities. Your heros tuition is paid for! Earning that degree will make their job resumes more unique than the rest of the competitions. In addition, if their job offers national certifications, convince them to get it. It will help your hero secure their future for life outside of the military and will make finding a job a lot easier! 9. Positive Attitude is Everything: Dont let them judge the Air Force by one bad experience. You will hear comments like the Air Force sucks, this base sucks, my supervisor sucks. Please encourage them to stay positive about the Air Force. I can honestly admit I have never had a bad assignment; each assignment was what I made of it and allowing your hero to understand that their attitude is key and by not letting those around them spoil their fun is what its all about. Negative situations come and go but remaining Positive and enjoying life is Priceless!! 10. Recognize their Mentor: Ask your hero about their Mentor. Send the mentor a thank you card and place them on your Christmas card mailing list. Serving in the Air Force is tough and your hero will need a NCO (or two!) who will teach them the ropes and help shape them to become a super sharp Airmen. My Mom still brags about my mentor, Technical Sergeant Odell Garland. During my retirement ceremony, I was ceremonially presented a US flag, which had been in my possession for over 25 years. This flag reminded me of my good times/bad times and had accompanied me from to places such as England, Holland, Japan, California, and final resting stop, Texas. Throughout the years, whenever I looked at this flag, I always thought of my mom along with her words of encouragement, support, and inspiration she had faithfully given to me over the years. I always knew that I was the temporary guardian of this sacred memento...So during my retirement, I gave this cherished possession to its rightful owner & uttered these simple words...”Momma, I hope I made you Proud”. With your continued support, your hero will do the same. CMSgt Juan Lewis aka The Fired Up Chief
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 21:00:01 +0000

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