Heres an Imagine. I hope you enjoy it. Please let me know if you - TopicsExpress


Heres an Imagine. I hope you enjoy it. Please let me know if you do. It was originally written for a friend but edited for you. Its the summer of 2013 and Niall has been on the TAKE ME HOME WORLD tour for almost 6 months and you hadnt seen him once. This weekend was going to change that though. The boys were going to be in leens (Harrys girlfriend) home town and she had invited you to join her for the concert and suprprise Niall. You were so excited. You and Niall had been together for about 9 months and it had been the best 9 months of your life. However, the last 6 months with Niall on tour had been hard even though you talked everyday. You wanted to be in his arms once agian and to feel his soft kiss on your lips. You sighed as you remembered the last time you two were together and gather up your belongings to head to the airport. A lengthly plane ride later you were in Kansas City. leen met you at the airport. leen: How was the flight? You: Not bad. A little long though. leen: I know nobody was suppose to know you were coming but I kind of slipped... You: No, you didnt? You did. Who? leen: Harry....but he promised he wouldnt tell anyone especially Niall. You: Great leen! Harry cant keep his mouth shut. You know that. leen: He promised y/n and I believe him. Ok, so he might tell Louis but he definately wont tell Niall though. You: I hope youre right cause its been hard for me to keep this secret from Niall for the past month. leen: I bet. I remember the first time Harry and I were apart for about 6 months due to touring. It sucked. The two of you continued to talk and catch up all the way back to leens apartment. Once there she showed you the guest room and left you alone to settle in. That was one of the things you loved about her. She seems to know when you needed to just be alone. It wasnt long after you arrived at leens apartment that your phone rang. It was Niall. You yell out to the living room. You: HEY LEEN! BE REALLY QUIET OK? ITS NIALL! leen: OK! She yelled back. You close the door to the guess room take a deep breathe and answer the phone. You: Hi honey. Niall: Hey babe how are you? I tired to call you like 3 times earlier but your phone went straight to voicemail. He had called while you were on the plane. You: Yeah! My battery died and I didnt realize it. Sorry. So whats up? Niall: Im totally missing you right now. Were about 3 hours from Kansas City and Harry has been jumping around cause its leens home town and he going to get to see her. Dani and Eleanor are still with us and Perrie just left so yeah! Im missing you pretty bad right now. You: Oh! Baby thats so sweet. I miss you too. Well just have to figure something out soon. You hated lying to Niall but at the same time it was going to be the best surprise. You couldnt wait to see the look on his face. You and Niall talked for about 45 minutes before you got off the phone and took a hot shower. The boys were suppose to be in town at about 6:30 that evening. leen said that Harry planned on having dinner with her assuming that the bus was running on schedule. You knew that you werent going to be able to wait until the next day to see Niall not when he was so close. So leen had Harry arrange to have Niall eat dinner with them as well. leen had told you that it wasnt easy either. At first Niall didnt want to go. It took Harry, Liam and Louis to talk Niall into going. You look at the clock. Only 1 1/2 to go. Theres a knock at the door. leen went to answer it while you continued to get ready. After you were finished you walked into the living room and sat on the couch. leen returned to the living room with two flower arrangments in hand. leen: This one is your. You: What? leen: Im going to guess Harry sent them for Niall. You: Why would he do that? leen: Because he knows that if Niall knew you were here he would have done it himself. You: Oh! well he didnt have to do that. You took the flowers from leen and looked at the card. Sure enough leen was right. The card read To y/n, If he knew you were here he would have sent them himself. See you at dinner, Harry. You just grinned. Harry very beinging thoughtful as always. You: Youre right. Theyre from Harry for Niall. That was sweet. He really shouldnt have. leen: Thats just Harry being Harry. About 30 minutes later the two of you head to the restaurant where youre suppose to meet up with Harry and Niall. Once at the resturant leen shows you where the ladies room is to wait at until she texts you to come in. You stand next to the ladies room out of sight. All of a sudden you begin to get really excited. Youre going to get to see Niall any minute now. 5 minutes go by then 10 and 15. Why hadnt she texted you yet? Just when you were about to just walk out anyways you recieve a text from leen saying come on. You walk out of the ladies room and into the dining room. As you walk towards the table you realize Nialls back is to you. Perfect you thought as you got closer. You walk up right behind Niall and just stand there not sure how to intrupt his banter. He was going on about nothing really. He said something aobut it not being a good idea to be intrupting Harry and leen first meal together in a month or so. So you decided to just go for it. You: Excuse me, but are you Niall Horan? Niall turned around and about passed out when he sees you. Niall: y/n? Is it really you? He stood up hugging you, picking you up off the floor and turn you around in a circle before setting you back down. Niall: How did you get here? He turned and looked at Harry and leen Niall: You two did this didnt you? Harry: Actually it was all leen. I just kept my mouth shut. Well, I told Louis, Liam and Zayn. I just didnt tell you. After another long hug and a very short and sweet kiss you and Niall take your seats. Your evening went by pretty fast and for the most part Niall couldnt take his eyes off you. If he could help it he was holding you or your hand every chance he got. After dinner you all went back to leens apartment to watch a movie. The four of you sat cuddled in couples on her large couch cuddled up as you watched the movie. During the movie Niall told you that he was so happy to see you and that if you hadnt showed up when you did he probably would have insisted on making arrangements for you to join them somewhere on the tour cause he missed you so much. You explained that you missed him too. You snuggled down in his arms placing your head on his chest and listening to his breathing and heart beat. It started to make you sleepy. So somewhere between then and the end of the movie you did fall asleep. You woke up only when Niall tried to lay you down in the guess room. Yes he had carried you in there. You: Hey you. Niall: Shh! Go back to sleep baby Ill see you in the morning. Niall leans down and kisses you softly. You: You dont have to go do you? You pull his arm and he sits down next to you on the bed. Niall: Actually yeah I do. Harrys ready to head back to the hotel. Babe, its ok. Ill see you first thing in the morning, I promise. You: ok, but only because you have to. You hug Niall tighly. You: I missed you so much. I just dont want to let you go. Niall: Ive missed you more. Now good night my love. Ill see you in the morning. I love you. You: I love you too. Niall kisses you passionately. Your head begins to spin a little and sooner than you wanted the kiss was over. You watched as Niall walked out of the room before snuggling down under the covers. He loves me you thought to yourself as you drifted back off to sleep. Comment your thoughts... ~leen
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 11:04:26 +0000

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