Heres an article you dont see very often in the mainstream media, - TopicsExpress


Heres an article you dont see very often in the mainstream media, even at its most liberal margins: one suggesting that endless growth might not be a good idea. However, Zoe Williams article in the Guardian resolutely ignores the main reason a counter-movement has struggled to get off the ground – the role of the mainstream media, particularly the supposedly leftwing media like the Guardian, in failing to provide a forum in which ideas that challenge the growth status quo can take root. That point is rather driven home by her conclusion: Progressive perfectionism – or, to call it by its household name, leftie infighting – means that fault lines between one group and another are played out rather than smoothed over, which makes it hard to present a united front across, say, poverty activism and environmentalism. But we are all, unarguably, on the same side, and we are more legion than the debate acknowledges. And far more legion than the debate in media like the Guardian acknowledges. None of that will change until we demand a really progressive media and stop investing our hopes in these crumbs the Guardian allows occasionally to fall from its table. theguardian/commentisfree/2014/oct/06/ukip-growthism-clegg-farage-progressive-narrative
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 07:36:22 +0000

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