Heres an excerpt from Tomorrow Blossoms, a Kindle Unlimited - TopicsExpress


Heres an excerpt from Tomorrow Blossoms, a Kindle Unlimited book. Five minutes later, they were strolling up the beach, kicking at seaweed and squishing wet sand between their toes. It was a pleasant interlude, and Kate couldn’t help swinging the hand of the man who’d been such a loving presence in her life. Suddenly, in a heartbeat, all that was a comfort to her was at risk. “I’m going to find him, Kate,” he said flatly. “I’m going to find our boy.” Gulls played overhead, water ebbed and flowed at their feet, and sunbeams graced them with their warmth. Yet Kate was oblivious to all, numb from the shock of his announcement. Breaking stride, he turned to her, voice low, somber. “You don’t want me to find him, do you?” She stared back, mute. The lying had to end somewhere, she told herself. Let it end here, now, today. “No, Ward. I don’t.” “But he’s our son, Kate, our only son. Aren’t you curious? Don’t you ever wonder what became of him?” Here. Now. Today. “Ward—honey . . .” She looked at him, patient, unaware. Then her shoulders slumped. “Of course I wonder,” she said, loathing her cowardice. “But he has his own life now, honey, his own identity. And having us pop up after all these years is bound to upset him. Don’t you remember why we gave him up? Or is your need for a son so great you’d risk his happiness?” “Katie, you know I’ve never regretted that our marriage produced only girls. But somewhere in this world, there’s a boy—no, make that a man—who may be wondering about us too. If he’s happy and secure with his life, then I’ll leave it alone. But if there’s a chance he’s even remotely interested in us, then I want to pursue it. It’ll be his choice, Kate. I promise.” “But so much could go wrong. He could be bitter, he could resent us for giving him away.” And he could have his father’s fair hair and striking green eyes. “Honey, my life has been blessed. I have you, the girls, and a successful business. And I want to share my good fortune with my son. Will you help me find him?” Beads of perspiration erupted on Kate’s face and neck. Aware that anything less than full cooperation was sure to invite suspicion, she heaved a resigned sigh. “Of course. I’ll do whatever I can.” He tipped her face to his. “Thank you, sweetheart. You won’t be sorry.” Kate responded with a tepid smile. She was already sorry, more sorry than he would ever know. ****** Amazon US:, Amz UK:, website: joycedebacco FB page: Joyce DeBacco Books
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 14:35:03 +0000

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