Heres an interesting idea. Rather than philosophize on what God - TopicsExpress


Heres an interesting idea. Rather than philosophize on what God is, or means; Why dont you ask yourself: What was the origin of God? This notion, this word; where did it come from? And why? We humans have a nasty tendency for attributing human characteristics and traits to non-human things. Such as Air, Lightning, and Mysterious Energies (gravity, magnetism, etc...). Our ancestors all over the world understood, after many thousands of years of watching the skies, that the electricity in Lightning is also in the Earth, everything attached to the Earth, and even in Us. They observed that electricity binds all things in nature, And then they began testing that theory, and realized its not just electricity, its magnetism, sound, gravity, all these invisible mysterious Energies. They didnt have Quantum Physics to explain it all back then, so they used Spirituality, Yoga, Meditation, Paganism, etc... to try to figure it all out and give some explanation to each other. Anyway, I cant explain thousands of years of history in a few short paragraphs. But Please, Empty your Cup, and read the links below. However, on a short side note. If you really believe that Gratitude is a force that can spiritually affect you (and it is, I am not denying that, its well proven), Why would you thank some ambiguous anthropomorphic concept that may or may not exist depending on what notions you have in your head? Does it not it occur to you that thats missing the point of Gratitude? You arent being Grateful towards anything that you should be, you are diverting it to something that you are supplementing for what you should really be thankful for... Rather, observe the world around you. Be Mindful of the miracles that exist in everyday life. For example: Be thankful for the fact that evaporation occurs. That the air will change water, purify it for you, and then return it to sustain you. Be Gracious for the dirt, with which you can take seeds from dead plants, and with nothing but water can create new life that bears food. Life out of dust. And that Plant, that Life made from water and dirt, can clean the air you breathe to sustain you. I could give countless more examples of the wondrous processes of nature that you SHOULD be thanking each day you are alive; as would be the true meaning of Gratitude. If a dog saved your drowning child, would you ignore the the dog, and thank its owner on the dogs behalf? And say oh thank you Sir for having a dog that saved my child?.. Of course you wouldnt. But thats what youre doing when you thank God or The Universe on behalf of all its individual parts. Some abstract entity, instead of what is there before you... Just some food for thought. I really recommend reading up on the origin of the word God. I found it very interesting. Namaste.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 01:31:36 +0000

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