Heres an intro to C.G. from Cinnamon Girl Explains It All: While - TopicsExpress


Heres an intro to C.G. from Cinnamon Girl Explains It All: While C.G. looked out her front window yet again for any sign of Wolf, she started to feel a tug of longing for the days when she didn’t let herself feel at all. In those days, she wouldn’t have been hurt by Rita’s cold shoulder or irritated by Dennis. And she sure wouldn’t be worried about Wolf tracking down gang members in the high crime neighborhoods of Kansas City. As she watched, though, his black Mazda pulled up into her driveway, and her heart started to race. Running to the door, she didn’t wait for him to ring the bell. She rushed outside and met him halfway to the house. Wolf caught her in his arms and lifted her off the ground. “I’m sorry I’m so late.” He set her back down and pulled back to look at her. ”It’s been one hell of a day, and I’m hoping that I can now spend some time with my favorite little troublemaker.” He took her hand and headed toward the still open door. Troublemaker? C.G. was still puzzling over that remark, when Wolf went on. “I sincerely hope you heard me tell you how much I love you before your call got cut off this morning. Your desperate tone had me worried all day.” He stepped back to let C.G. go in the house first then followed and closed the door. “I didn’t hear it all, but I heard enough to get me through the day. At least most of it.” He smiled and slipped out of his jacket, tossing it on a nearby chair, and started to loosen his tie. “Sounds like you could stand to hear it again.” She nodded as she moved in front of him and started to unbutton his royal blue shirt about halfway down. Wolf raised his eyebrows as he pulled the tie over his head. “You’re starting a little low there, sister, for general relaxation.” She smiled but kept unbuttoning. “I want to look at your chest.” He grinned. “Do I get to look at yours?” She ignored him with just a hint of a smile playing over her lips and kept at her task until she’d untucked his shirt and had all the buttons undone. Then she slid her hands under the fabric, around his waist, and pressed the side of her face to his bare chest. Wolf wrapped his arms around her while she concentrated on all the little sensations that made up the man. His heart beat in her ear, and his chest hair tickled her nose. She breathed him in – the musky cologne that mingled with his own scent. She ran her hands up and down his smooth, very solid back and felt his warm lips against her head. This is why feeling is worth it. She sighed.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 20:32:15 +0000

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