Heres another wonderful Plexus Story, this time from Amy King - TopicsExpress


Heres another wonderful Plexus Story, this time from Amy King Lowe! Have you or someone you know been looking for an opportunity to create extra income on the side working part-time from home? Who hasnt heard this line lately with all the hubbub about the network marketing industry explosion? Well, this is me. And I am now on a mission to build a team who shares my passion for helping people feel better while getting paid to get healthy themselves. Many have asked me WHY? They say, But you hold a business degree from reputable business school and you have 20 years of pretty successful marketing experience, even with top agencies and big Fortune 100 companies. Youve traveled. Youve managed very large worldwide teams. WHY wouldnt you want to go do that again? Well, our life was turned upside down on the morning of our youngest sons 5th birthday in January 2012. He was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes (the kind where he is insulin dependent for life). Life as we knew it completely changed. We were first in shock and then devastated. And the bills began piling up. The emotional and financial toll was enormous. Fast forward 18 months and many tears later. I was introduced in passing to Plexus by a neighbor, Melissa Jackson. While she didnt know it at the time, but I was on prescription meds for horrible depression, was withdrawn and had become mostly inactive due to severe foot pain, which resulted in even more weight gain. But a comment she made struck a chord with me - that this little pink drink, initially designed to help diabetics, was changing lives and relieving pains in so many ways. I was very skeptic - after all, this was another one of those network marketing business schemes. So she added me to some private FB groups to learn more -- Plexus Slim, Fast Relief, Diabetes, & Financial Testimonies. And I began seeing first-hand how real people with big health problems were experiencing real results for the many pains in their lives, and becoming financially independent because of Plexus. So I secretly decided to try the 3-day trial. By the end of the 3rd day, I called her and asked for another 3-day trial. This simple little pink drink was somehow working for me, and I couldnt be without it while waiting for my shipment! I paid the $34.95 and signed my hubby up to be an undercover Ambassador, just so we could get wholesale pricing. Little did I know at the time that this little investment would impact us so quickly and in so many ways. Fast forward to today and many prayers later. I cannot imagine going another day without that little pink drink. While Ive not seen a major difference in the scale (not sure I really have one that works in the house anymore?), my friends and people Ive not seen in a few months are telling me I look very different, my clothes are fitting better, Im off all pain meds and antidepressants. Im no longer dependent on coffee. Im active again without feeling like I need a geriatric walker - Im keeping up with two boys and a dog that LOVES going our daily walks again. My hubby - who also happens to be an Aggie - has lost 18 lbs. I have the flexibility to work from home and I am here for my boys when they need me - and for calls from the school nurse with questions about my sons blood sugar level, sometimes several times a day, and I have the ability to drop everything and be there for them if needed. I see a happy light at the end of the once dark tunnel, and more important, theres a happy girl whos found the spring in her step looking back at me in the mirror once again. And we now have hope. This is a new beginning. So thats why Im doing this. I sincerely see the big picture of blessings and possibilities, and I am passionate about making a difference in my life and the lives of others, one little all-natural pink drink at a time! I say, Why not? Because it is much more than the weight lost -- there truly is a LIFE to gain! All the best, Amy King Lowe
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 03:57:47 +0000

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