Heres hoping people read this in its entirety. I get annoyed - TopicsExpress


Heres hoping people read this in its entirety. I get annoyed when people complain on here. I know Ive done it a few times over the last two years, but then I go back and delete the post as soon as I realize that Ive just done what bothers me so much. I wont be deleting this post. Ive been trying to stop myself from saying something for over a day, and Im just getting more mad and upset about what people have been saying to me since my last baby update that I have to say something. I know that 95% of you actually read my entire post. Trust me, I look at your comments. For the other 5%, sometimes I wont respond to your question and youll message me, frustrated that I didnt, but in reality I didnt respond because the answer youre looking for is already in the post and another few times in the comments. And I get it, my posts can be long when Im trying to give you all the information I have, but if its already there for you, Ill just hope you see it soon. (Not in a mean way, btw). What does this have to do with the baby update post? Some of you took something I said the wrong way, and stopped reading the post, and let me know just how disgusted you were with me/my doctor. I said the specialist was thrilled that IF our baby were to be born, she would be fine with a tube. I also said that baby girl better stay in as long as she can. Most of you understood what that meant, some didnt. I even did an update where I didnt show how hurt I was by the hateful messages I was already getting to explain it further. Stating that we all want baby to go as close to term as possible, and while I dont have any signs of pre-term labor now, labor can be jump-started at any time because we lost the twin. So the exciting part is that we passed a milestone in that the Dr didnt think it would be a matter of life and death anymore if something happened and she HAD to be delivered early. ONCE AGAIN, most of you understood this, some didnt. Now, of COURSE she would be in the NICU if something were to happen, none of us are that stupid. But the baby (not how many weeks I am) is advanced and big enough that she would be as okay as possible. For those of you who messaged me and havent deleted me (or unliked my page) yet, I dont care if you see this and know Im talking about you. The fact that Ive gotten countless messages saying: Who in their right mind would force their baby to endure the hardship of being born early? For someone whos lost so many babies, Im surprised you dont seem to care for the well-being of this one. Doctors wont try to save a baby that isnt at least 24-weeks, so I dont know why yours would say something like that to you. What is your Doctors name, he needs to be reported for wanting to deliver your baby even though its not time yet. I work in the NICU, and I cant believe that I had to read that you would wish that on your baby. I had my son/daughter prematurely, and after what we all went through, Im offended you would be so happy about wanting that for your baby. is killing me and pissing me off all the same. Trust me, there are so many more messages, but I think youre getting the point of what Ive been going through. And from almost all of those messages, the people have told me they were deleting me because they were now disgusted with me as a person. If you want to delete me because you took something I said the wrong way or stopped reading the post to get the rest of the info, then by all means, please do. If you even knew how badly I have fought for this baby, the five specialists were constantly seeing to do everything for her, what weve been going through to even get to this spot, and what we will continue to do until its time for her to be born, you would shut your mouth before apologizing profusely. Trust me, I know, the few people I went off on in the messages (rather than informing them of what they obviously missed from my posts) have done just that AND added on that they couldnt imagine going through that, and that theyve been praying for us from the start and would continue to. I would go through anything gladly if it meant our girl was born as healthy as possible. Most of you know that, for those who dont, I feel bad that you seem to automatically view the world, and the people in it, so negatively. Im done.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 10:58:50 +0000

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