Heres my November list of things Im thankful for and express - TopicsExpress


Heres my November list of things Im thankful for and express gratitude for; instead of posting one-a-day throughout the month, Ive saved up my list of 30 items for Thanksgiving Day. The list could be endless, but here it is ... 1. Patient, loving, forgiving husband, who is always supportive. 2. Kids, grandkids, and extended family. 3. Friends, who have stuck by me and believed in me through the best and worst of times, and those I have yet to meet, young or old, but especially the older ones, who have blazed the trail. 4. Eternally grateful to my grandparents who journeyed across the world to become Americans, raise a family, and work hard in the onion fields of Walla Walla to support the family. (see accompanying photos) 5. Happy to be able to help older people master the digital technology that allows us to keep in touch across the miles. 6. Being alive at this time in history when there are treatments available for so many conditions that would have been fatal even a few years ago. 7. Access to health care. 8. A peaceful home, my refuge from the world. 9. When my heartbeat is in a comfortable, regular rhythm. 10. Challenges and the opportunity to learn new things every single day. 11. Spacious office and a professional career that demands my best daily. 12. Variety of careers: broadcasting, medicine, floral design, teaching, and senior living. 13. Purity of a child’s singing voice can move me to tears. 14. Facebook reunited me with my son after many years. 15. Blessed with an amazing memory. 16. Umpqua. 17. Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. 18. My father would say, “I’m just happy, if you’ll eat what I cook.” Ditto. 19. Mama would say, “Always keep ‘em guessing!” That’s a given. 20. Capacity of my heart for compassion, empathy and sympathy. 21. Magnificent animals – horses, in particular. 22. Sharpie pens – green or black. 23. Guilty pleasure(s): Good & Plenty (black licorice), Dutch Bros. & Coca-Cola. 24. Kalamata olives, black olives, and green olives – in that order. 25. Scarves ~ my only accessories. 26. Rain, clean air, and Mount Rainier at sunrise. 27. Northwest living absent typhoons and hurricanes, just an occasional earthquake or tornado. 28. DVR Judge Judy, Shark Tank, Undercover Boss, The Price is Right, Wheel of Fortune, and Jeopardy. 29. Seahawks’ record-setting season. 30. That I’ve lived long enough to be comfortable in my own skin. WYSIWYG
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 07:38:32 +0000

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