Heres my final statement on the Unexplained Files episode from - TopicsExpress


Heres my final statement on the Unexplained Files episode from earlier this week -- although it will undoubtedly not be the last thing Ill have to say about the 1949 Exorcism, considering that I wrote a book about it and spent almost 20 years of my life researching the case. I enjoyed the show, but it was a TV show -- 20 minutes or so without commercials that barely scratched the surface of all of the research Ive done over the years. I appreciated all the comments you guys left about it. They werent needed, but they WERE appreciated. My stance on the case has never changed. Obviously *something* earth-shattering happened to that family, but was it a demonic possession? Ill still maintain that I dont know. I wasnt there, so theres no way that I can absolutely say. But I do take seriously the statements of the people who were there, the evidence they left behind about their experiences, the affidavits, the first-hand accounts... etc. They saw and experienced *something* and wed be ignorant if we ignored that fact. Which is why I appreciated your support and merely laughed at the people who left nasty comments, posted hateful (and very uninformed) messages about the show on the wall and filled my inbox with them. Like myself, they were not there when these events took place and cannot state -- any more than I can -- what did, or did not, occur. The difference would be that I have done the research and did the work to actually try and find out what happened, instead of just dismissing it out of hand. Just because a person does not believe something, does not mean that its impossible. I was most soundly criticized for taking the word of a 90-year monk at face value. I did so because he was there. He had no reason to lie. If this same monk had stated nothing really happened, these same critics would say I told you so. I chose to believe that a man who spent his entire life selflessly serving others and giving aid to the sick and the mentally ill had no reason to lie to me about what he saw and experienced 65 years ago. So, in the end, the case remains a mystery. Its still unexplained (hence its inclusion in the show). I hope you enjoyed the episode and if you didnt, Im sorry for that too. But uninformed opinions are not going to change my mind about the fact that its a story that has been worthy of the two decades of research that Ive put into it. Thanks for reading this!
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 15:51:58 +0000

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