Heres my new essay, just finished, and you get to read it first!!! - TopicsExpress


Heres my new essay, just finished, and you get to read it first!!! Just in time for the 50th Anniversary!!!! 10 + 11 = 8.5? Speculations on the 50th Anniversary Special of Doctor Who By -SH From: and cdn-static.denofgeek/sites/denofgeek/files/styles/insert_main_wide_image/public/doctor_who_50th_poster_portrait.jpg Every Doctor Who fan, young or old, is looking forward to the 50th anniversary special. The return of old friends, and maybe even possible new friends. Anyway, let’s just finally let it be here!!! The return of David Tennant and Billie Piper has many people very excited, especially all those Tennant fangirls out there. He loves you, too. But my question is: how are they back? When we left the Doctor, he had just jumped into his own timeline to save Clara, who had jumped in to save him from the Great Intelligence, who had also jumped into his timeline. Well, just go be Eleven’s miracle, it’s not like I wanted to. So how do the human Doctor and Rose get there? Is it even the human Doctor, or is it the Tenth Doctor by a strange occurrence like in the Children in Need mini-story “Time Crash,” but with the Tenth and Eleventh doctor??? By magic??? Another rift in all of time??? Or is this all just in the Doctor’s timeline, where we last left him? All of these questions are yet to be answered. My best bet is that somehow the human Doctor and Rose are caught in the fluctuations in the time stream and somehow arrive in the time stream. Another possibility is that the Key of Time, first found, put together, and taken apart by the Fourth Doctor in Season 16 of Classic Doctor Who, has been found again and put together by Ten or Eleven. Some additional evidence for this is in the 50th Anniversary Special’s posters, one of which features the fragmented parts of the Key. Moving on! What of John Hurt as The Doctor? The question everyone is asking: Who is he? Doctor 8.5? Doctor 11.5? An unnumbered Doctor? Not The Doctor at all? Who? Who? Who? In the new trailer, John Hurt is seen wearing the shirt of the Eighth Doctor and the leather jacket of Nine. Looking at that as evidence, I would say that he is Doctor 8.5. But is he? Eleven says that he is the only one who took a name other than the Doctor, so perhaps he is not The Doctor at all. Why is his name different? Did he choose it out of love? Hate? Defiance? Will we ever know? Will we learn the name of the Doctor in this much-anticipated episode? There are so many questions, so few answerable. We know we will see Daleks, the Silence, Bad Wolf, the reason behind the TARDIS explosion, more about the Time War, maybe some Cybermen and a possible ending of the world for about the hundredth time. But perhaps we will also see some off our other good friends like the Weeping Angels. There are many unknown factors when it comes to Doctor Who: You never know what --or who-- you’re going to get. That might as well be the motto of the show, it’s so true. Next up, will there be more major characters in the episode than the producers say? Maybe a reappearance of the Ponds, or of Donna, Martha, Captain Jack, the Master, anyone? If the Master, which incarnation? Maybe even Nine will show up and make it a real Doctor party. I’m thinking that the first five to ten minutes will just be a very long bit on all of the previous Doctors and some of their many enemies before getting to the part where we left off in the last episode. *Whistling lightheartedly and leaning against a wall, trying to be like Sherlock and failing* It’s just Moffat killing off some time to have to make us wait for more in another episode, no biggie. He is evil enough to do it, you know; he did kill off many of our favorites. Will the Doctors go on a great adventure together? Where are they? Are they in the Doctor’s time stream or on they on Earth, or on they in the Doctor’s time stream that is real-time? Might they be in the Doctor’s time stream and then –pop!—might they be out of it to go save the world? So many possibilities, so many things they could go do. I believe that the most likely thing is that they will be on Earth, not in the Doctor’s timestream, because they will get out of it somehow. And Ten and Eleven are both actual Doctors; Ten is not half-human. Makes me wonder what kind of guy John Hurt’s character will be: Will we get to know his backstory (well, now we know some of it, thanks to “The Night of the Doctor”), how he was created (we now know that, too), what he did during his lifetime, whether he likes jellybabies or jammy dodgers more, whether he drinks or not (because some doctors do, but others do not), what sort of man he is (and if he got it sorted out faster than Ten did), if he likes fish fingers with custard, this list could go on and on and on. Who did he fight, if he did ever fight? Well, yes, he did! It would seem that he did when looking at the main poster, since he looks like he is coming out of an explosion, and he says he wants to be a warrior in “The Night of the Doctor,” so that is what he becomes. Did he even have time to find out who he was, or was he just thrown into things due to bad timing? . I would think that he would like neither jellybabies nor jammy dodgers. He probably drinks (like Nine),and has probably learned what sort of man he was from the start because he had to start fighting and he takes a potion that will make him a warrior, and yes, I suspect that he did fight. And what’s more, we now know that his name was the War Doctor. Now… how does Clara figure into all of this? In the last episode, we found out how Clara had been in all of those places and how she had known some of the things she knew, such as how she knew how to cut through the Daleks’ system in “Asylum of the Daleks,” learned from her time spent in The Shard in “The Bells of Saint John.” We also learned that Clara was born to save the Doctor. This leads us to an interesting conundrum: Why doesn’t she show up earlier than Season 7? The only explanation for this is that the main story-writers – namely Moffat, Toby Whitehouse, Matthew Graham, and Chris Chibnall – if we are just talking about the Eleventh Doctor, did not come up with Clara’s storyline until brainstorming for season 7, most likely. But why didn’t she show up even earlier? I would have liked to have seen Clara interact with Nine and Ten, though she might yet have some interactions with him in the 50th Anniversary Special. In the spiel about Clara in “The Name of the Doctor,” she was never portrayed as helping or saving the Nine or Ten. Why? My guess is that Moffat and the other writers didn’t want fans to get angry, saying that they should have liked to have actually seen this happen, and then they would have had to have given lots of background information, which, overall, would have been too much work. It’s also possible that Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant might have been too busy with other shows and/or movies when it came time to do these shots. Personally, I just wish we could have seen her earlier in the new Doctor Who, like how Rose kept on showing up even when she was in an alternate dimension. To wrap up, in the 50th Anniversary Special we are going to see old friends and new friends, old enemies and new enemies, learn new backstories that will make us go “Oooooohhh!,” and learn new things about the characters. Enjoy your anniversary special Whovians, because your wait is shorter than the wait that Sherlockians have, and – trust me – they are suffering. With the ever-mounting approach of Sherlock Season 3, my next essay will be on deducing what will happen in Season 3, how Sherlock survived, how John will react, and maybe just a pinch of Johnlock. Happy fangirling (or fanboying) until then!
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 02:53:47 +0000

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