Heres my reply to Marv that voted no on GMO labeling inititative - TopicsExpress


Heres my reply to Marv that voted no on GMO labeling inititative 522 in Washington. heres the link to the original article: naturalnews/042805_GMO_labeling_initiative_I-522_guerilla_warfare.html Marvs Comment I voted no on I-522. Let me explain the reasons why... * I oppose the initiative process on principle. Its a horrible way to govern. Voters simply dont have the time, inclination, or expertise to rationally evaluate complex issues such as this one. Only in exceptional circumstances, where representative democracy has clearly failed over an extended period, do I vote in favor of an initiative (e.g., marijuana legalization). * I am an advocate of science, technology, and rational thinking. That doesnt mean that all technology is good, or that all GMO is good, but this initiative smells like its anti-technology, seeking to cast an entire category of technology in a negative light, regardless of the specific details or evidence of harm. Which brings up the third reason... * I-522 is way too broad. Its like requiring a label that says this product contains chemicals. Which chemicals? Details matter. If the concern is about GMO soybeans that encourage overuse of herbicides, then say that. Dont include some hypothetical future GMO rice that protects against malaria or cancer (just an example, not claiming it exists). And, no, I wasnt swayed by the anti-522 propaganda. I didnt read or watch any of it. Heather Dayvis in reply to Merv99 1. Because of the FDAs statements that we have no right to choose what foods we eat (look it up) and to decide whats good for us, voting in an initiative seems to be the only option left. Voters dont have time? Really? You obviously havent had the time to look at any science at all pertaining to GMOs so maybe you shouldnt have voted based on your prejudiced generalizations. Just because its not ideal doesnt mean it wont work, and this has been an extended period. GMOs have been around since 1996. How long was prohibition again? 2. I have a science degree and love science, but it can be used for good or profit leading to destruction. You obviously have NOT done your research on the scientific studies that show GMOs IN GENERAL cause harm, mainly because of how crude the technology is. Try reading Seeds of Deception where the inaccurate, irresponsible technology is laid out along with coverups that violate the very basics of free speech by scientists that speak out against them; oh and read it before you believe the propaganda written by the companies who stand to lose MILLIONs by the information in the book, THEN make a judgment. (Its sort of important as it pertains to the ability of the human race to procreate AND for plants and animals to maintain a diverse ecological environment) 3. Too broad? In Europe, labels say much the same, as well as in 25 other countries. The concern isnt just soybeans. The overuse of herbicides is just ONE of the issues concerning GMOs (leading to mineral depletion because of their chelation effects). Other concerns are genetic crossover to humans (sometimes of terminator genes), virus contamination, ripple genetic effects (meaning when the sloppy gene gun shoots the intended gene into the plant, surrounding genes get switched on and off AND promoter genes can land on the wrong part of the sequence leading to unpredictable results). 4. MY FINAL POINTs People arent against GMOs that dont exist, and many arent even against GMOs. They just want the choice. People risk their lives coming here from oppressive dictatorships and starvation; only to find a food dictatorship that may cause infertility, cancer, bowel disease, and death (especially of fetuses from overuse of Roundup). There are supposed benefits of GMOs (like Golden Rice) which has been reported not to work and even if it did, why would there be a gene inserted that forces these starving nations to re-purchase seed every year if these companies were trying to help??? Did Jonas Salk exploit the world for the Polio vaccine? He gave it away for free. I see a big difference between these companies and scientists like him. And you sure read like one of them or at least someone who has miraculously landed on this page when he should be reading research studies before opening his mouth. This country is supposed to be about choice. This is supposed to be a free country. We just want a choice. GMOs are against my very spiritual foundation as I follow the Torah and the mixing of species is a sin in my eyes. I would like a heads up if the vegetable I buy has another species inserted into it. I hope that by using my 1st amendment right I didnt offend you as voting (the very basis of democracy) seems to. Im just trying to set the record straight and educate. Was that an intelligent enough response sir?
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 15:13:04 +0000

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