Heres my review of the book NAUSEA by Jean-Paul Sartre, the - TopicsExpress


Heres my review of the book NAUSEA by Jean-Paul Sartre, the pioneer of existentialism. He was awarded The Nobel prize in 1964 but he ultimately rejected it. I read this book couple of years ago. Personally, I am yet to figure out whether I like this book or not. But for sure, I would never forget the experience of reading this book. Who should read it ? This is most important thing about the book. The book is not made for everyone. It is some sort of dark, depressing and brutal psycho-philosophical book. The brutality of this book is not in violence (there is no violence in this book) but the brutality of this book is in the ideas and the thoughts that are portrayed. If you have been down for a while and you enjoy to go for random walks and coffee to overcome your loneliness then this is the book for you.If you are completely satisfied with life the way it is, then dont read this book. What is this book all about? The book is all about freedom and our existence. The book suggest that you are solely responsible for your life. Your life was not founded on some past or it is defined by the action of others. It is founded upon the present you and is defined by your own actions. Sartre refused order, family, values, faith, morals and restrictions. You have not only every right to choose but it is your duty to choose. If you are living in poverty or ill health, it was you who chose it. We all are here by chance and there is no purpose of life. There is absolutely no reason for existing. Existence is meaningless. It is up to us to give meaning to it.. We do it by eating, drinking and every by doing nothing. There are no rules and no laws. Nothing is good and nothing is bad. You have no chance to give an excuse. You are free to do whatever you want. Its your duty. Ending note: If you think you have been lonely and trying hard to figure out meaning of your life. If you think life has been unfair to you.Or if you are just mad enough like to read this book. Go ahead and read it. But just dont do anything silly after it. Read and forget it.
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 12:45:22 +0000

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