Heres my statement that my dear friend read for me tonight at the - TopicsExpress


Heres my statement that my dear friend read for me tonight at the Candidate Forum, in case youre interested! Hi! My name is Olivia Slack and I’m a junior political science and religion double major, currently studying domestically abroad in Washington, DC for the semester! I am super excited about the opportunity to run for Curriculum Senator next year and I believe I have the qualifications to succeed in the position. First though, what does the Curriculum Senator even do? Well, the Curriculum Senator is the elected student representative to the faculty-led Curriculum Committee and is responsible for attending the Committee’s weekly meeting as well as attending SGA Senate on Tuesday nights. If elected as your representative on the Curriculum Committee, I promise to be transparent and open to student suggestions, concerns, and questions! I hope to create a method of communicating what is going on at the Committee in a way other than the weekly SGA Senate minutes, because the majority of the student population doesn’t read those. Whether this communication method is a bulletin board, a Facebook page, periodical articles in the Mess… it’s really up to you guys! Secondly, I hope to bring the student perspective to the conversation on GEs. Throughout my three years at St. Olaf, I have been involved in conversations with other students about the role of GEs in our St. Olaf education. I have heard many complaints about specifically the HWC and MCG/MCD GEs, and I hope that my personal experience with many classes fitting those GEs as well as connections to students around the school will allow me to present the student body’s concerns, questions, and ideas. Another part of being the Curriculum Senator is selecting several additional students to sit on the Committee. This group of students will be most powerful if they come from a variety of academic and even extracurricular backgrounds. Therefore, I will strive to find passionate, engaged and academically diverse students to work with me on the Committee, for the student body. Finally, I think I am qualified for this position because of both my academic and extracurricular background. First, I am a double major in political science and religion with a concentration in Middle Eastern Studies. My coursework has spanned almost every department at St. Olaf and my deep involvement in the humanities has exposed me in depth to multiple departments, making me able to speak on a broad range of disciplines. In my extracurriculars, I have worked with Residence Life for two years, as Inter-Hall Chair, which involved being a member of Student Senate, so I already have experience in how Senate and the Subcommittees work. I have experience through accompanying, classwork, and choir in the Music Department, and have been a member of PAC, one the main SGA branches. Outside of SGA, I have involvement in a wide range of leadership activities. All of these experiences have prepared me to work effectively for the student body in the role of Curriculum Senator. Thank you, and don’t forget to vote this Thursday!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 03:13:27 +0000

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