Heres my take on the Ebola crisis. 1. Patient zero never - TopicsExpress


Heres my take on the Ebola crisis. 1. Patient zero never intended to BE patient zero. He took a pregnant woman, whom he believed was having a miscarriage, to the hospital. They refused to admit her, he helped her home. Turns out she had Ebola. 2. Patient zero, who had NO symptoms, was planning on moving to the US. He did what many of us would do...decided that he would get out of Liberia while the getting was good...So he did. 3. When he began to feel sick, HE DID WHAT HE WAS SUPPOSED TO DO...he went to the hospital. He TOLD the staff that he was from Africa, and answered the questions they asked of him. He attempted to be responsible, THEY SENT HIM HOME. 4. Presby Dallas screwed up, BIG TIME. Thats where the Ebola/Dallas connection comes from. 5. We live in a world where theres a conspiracy associated with TOO much information (Its a tactic to divert our attention from other things! Panic!) AND a conspiracy associated with too little information (Ooh! What are they hiding?Panic!) 6. Anyone with a background in marketing/public relations can tell you what is happening now. Its called damage control. Isolation, monitoring of potential at-risk patients, etc, SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE FROM THE GET-GO. It didnt need to be plastered all over the media. It should have simply happened. 7. People are stupid. God bless the poor RN who traveled to Ohio, but for goodness sakes, you cared for an EBOLA patient! Why on earth do you have to ask ANYONE whether or not you should travel??? Youre an educated woman! Youre planning a wedding! Why not be safe, and reasonable, and conservative, and take care of yourself???? Who knows what she told the CDC...who knows if they thought to ask if she was in the room when he was vomiting...but SHE KNEW. 8. We live in a world where The Walking Dead is a huge hit. (I love the show, loved The Stand by Stephen King, too) But...because of that perspective, Emergency Preparedness SCARES us. FEMA scares us. Its the nature of the times, unfortunately. 9. Be careful, be responsible, pray for those who are caring for the sick, if you are a nurse, doctor, or other healthcare worker, DEMAND to be taught proper protection procedures. 10. I have refrained from posting anything about Ebola, other than sharing articles, but the stupid has reached the point that I feel that if I didnt say SOMETHING, my head would explode. Its scary. Its dangerous, and theres a ride at Disney with a song that makes it all make sense. ITS A SMALL WORLD AFTER ALL. We are all a part of this big blue marble. We need to take better care of each other.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 14:29:35 +0000

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