Heres my thinking. For what its worth. It is a basic truth - TopicsExpress


Heres my thinking. For what its worth. It is a basic truth that those who are afraid of confrontation will always be ruled by those who are not. Our government, dominated by politically correct socialist democrats, are afraid of confrontation. The last couple of generations of American youth have been brought up to believe that to win is to embarrass those who lose and to succeed is to hurt those without the incentive to succeed. And they are educated by the same type of socialist liberals who are running the country. They pass, enforce, or dont enforce laws designed to not anger demographically minority groups. They can’t bring themselves to say that terrorists are terrorists. They can’t admit that we (infidels by raghead definition) are in a war with the religion of peace which has been corrupted by sociopaths and worse. This fear of being confrontational means the while these people are making the decisions America will be ruled to some extend now and to a greater extent in the future by these scum of the earth non-humans who are confronting us on so many levels. Regular citizens put up with screenings, invasive searches, questioning just to board planes and enter federal or state building while those in raghead garb or those who fit the profile of ALL the terrorists so far are passed because it would be profiling to single them out. This is unreasonable by any logic except the fear of confrontation. People who fit the profile of a terrorist should be profiled -- its the only way to be pro-active instead of picking up bodies. And, its only the Islamic terrorists, its activists and criminals who are members of one of the politically sensitive minorities. A black thug holds up a store and assaults a police officer and is killed. The minorities define justice as capital punishment for the policeman -- even before all the facts a heard. No one confronts them with the truth because it might offend the non-whites. On the part of politicians this fear of confrontation and raising of minority rights above those of the majority is because they (the politicians) are in a perpetual state of re-election. They fear confrontation because they might lose votes and therefore lose the power they crave. On the part of regular citizens who for preach non-confrontation and political correctness it is because less and less of them have ever had any kind of education except by those very same socialist liberals. They are brought up that to win at a sandlot baseball game is hurtful. To be man enough to play football and take risks is not a good thing. To succeed and become wealthy is bad and only hurts those who dont have the incentive to better themselves. America is losing. Socialism is winning. America is not a county, it is an idea, the greatest experiment in free people governing themselves in history. The experiment is being corrupted by those who never had a reason or were taught that it was bad to believe in personal incentive and government by majority. Are yall tired of this shit yet? No. Not tired enough evidently.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 15:49:13 +0000

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