Heres my vent....I am so sick of democrats pushing min wage hikes - TopicsExpress


Heres my vent....I am so sick of democrats pushing min wage hikes while in the same breath screaming the jobless need UI. We need jobs to truly move us out of this nightmare. Then they scream about outsourcing while in the same breath support the wide open boarder that has allowed over 12 million people in this country illegally. Then they cheer the recovery(cough) while 3 out of 4 jobs created was filled by a foreign born person. They dont complain about visas gone wild, they dont complain too many homeless and they try to sell the trickle up theory while skipping over the proverbial bottom. Now I have a vent on the just as out of touch republican party who does way too much generalizing about the unemployed. But to say any color of the rainbow is going to create a better world for Americans your just fooling yourself. Loyalty to voters is what is lacking, I am sick of the organize political hacks who spread their crap like it dont stink. When we the people of this country stop playing pawns to the ones in DC who are clearly not listening to what AMERICANS want....and stop enabling their game to be run on us. We are going to bury ourselves deeper into this mess of handing over America to the highest bidder and most corrupt. Dont take anyones recommendation on who to vote for. Just do the research for yourself. Those that champion one cause is not going to tell you the truth. They going to tell you their truth which in political circles is a fib that twists the truth. UI is done period dont let them tell you is still on the we will get to it when we want to not when you need them to. America is a two party republic and its time they realize compromise is the only way forward and that takes courage I dont see from any of DC right now. Thank you for the vent
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 01:06:39 +0000

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