Heres our next post from a bonus mom who just needs to vent and - TopicsExpress


Heres our next post from a bonus mom who just needs to vent and could use some of our awesome fan advice! I need to complain lol...SD is 4. Had a UTI last year and has had fevers on and off. In June she had a fever Fathers Day weekend and then the Friday before. My first instinct was it was a UTI. No one listened (then again I didnt voice my opinion to the BM either). Now three weeks ago SD told us it hurt to pee. To Urgent Care we went too. Sure enough she tested positive. Antibiotics were given for two weeks. On the second to last day we picked up my SD and low and behold no antibiotics. When asked where they were BM replied its the last day so I threw it out. Sorry. Now here we are again three weeks later. SD is itching herself in the private area and I asked her straight forward if it hurt to pee. She told me it did. I asked if she told anyone she said she told her mother. So my husband texted BM and sure enough BM stated that while on the medication SD told her it still hurt to pee but BM didnt do anything about it. Now BM comment to hubby was why does this always happen when you have her. We are attentive loving parents. I noticed as soon as she started itching something was wrong and asked and I dont see her but more than 2/3 days a week. BM has her more. Im just annoyed and needed to vent. I am pretty sure there is nothing that we can do but you bet Im documenting it for when we have to take her to court to show them how little BM is actually at home and how little BM pays attention to SD bywhen she is home. Any other suggestions or advice? If it helps I live in Michigan. I also want to add that BM texted hubby and said well it was two weeks ago after her medication stopped and I thought she was making it up to get more medicine
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 01:06:38 +0000

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