Heres some early morning motivation for you! This short video - TopicsExpress


Heres some early morning motivation for you! This short video documents the one-year transformation of a 16 yr old who was tired of being too thin and too weak. (Yes, while most people struggle to keep weight off, many struggle to keep weight ON. I have several clients in that category - no judging!) This kid also proves that we dont need complicated equipment or a gym membership to build muscle and get fit. But you DO need persistence, commitment, sweat, and the ability to push past your own boundaries. I have a friend with a similar transformation, who went from being sidelined with injuries to doing exactly this level of calisthenics! Never underestimate what your body is capable of! People say to ME all the time things like, Youre so strong. I could never do that. You make that look so easy. Let me be the first to tell you - the first time I REALLY did an intense HiiT workout, one similar to the workouts I now share and promote, I seriously thought I MIGHT DIE. My heart nearly pounded right out of my chest, I had trouble breathing, I had to stop a lot, I did about half as many reps as the instructor in the same amount of time, and there were certain moves I couldnt really do at all, like a legit chest-to-the-ground push-up. But that was 4 years ago. Guess what Ive been doing since? PROGRESSING. And no, I do not spend hours and hours each day exercising! I spend about 6 hours per week. That is average for a dedicated fitness person, but its not over the top. Im not doing two-a-days. Because its not about more time, its about more focus. I make my workouts COUNT. I know exactly what Im going to do, and I get my head in the right place, and I focus and I HiiT it. And before it sounds like Im even remotely in the same universe regarding fitness level as the young man in the video - holy hell, I can only do 2 chin-ups! TWO. Wah - I will stop now, because hopefully Ive made my point. That no matter what level you are today, you do not have to stay there. Slow and steady wins. Dedication and consistency pays off. If its a priority, youll make time for it. (And if not, thats ok too - seriously! Your goals are YOURS alone!) However This is Fit Workouts might fit into your fitness regimen, Im super jazzed youre here, and I hope you gain something from being part of the TiFW family! BTW, the Change You Challenge group Im running right now is in week 2 and OMG they are doing FANTASTIC! I could not be happier. We are having So Much Fun and learning a lot and the group support and motivation is SO KEY. We host one meet-up per week at my gym, but several people are doing the online version too. Consider joining the next one, set to begin sometime in November! (Msg me here or at laura@thisisfitworkouts for deets!) Now, watch this astounding video (you can continue to follow his transformation at tinyurl/kneyjfu), and have a FABULOUS WEEKEND! xoxo, L
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 13:04:15 +0000

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