Heres some fun info: Moses wrote Psalm 90 where the a thousand - TopicsExpress


Heres some fun info: Moses wrote Psalm 90 where the a thousand years is as a day (loosely) reference comes from. He also was very specific about the days of creation in Genesis. He also is the author of the ages of Adam, Methuselah, Shem and Abraham. Hes the same author who said that we live to be 70 years of age, and if we live a healthy life we will likely make it to 80. These records of time were penned by the same hand. He was raised in a Pharoahs home and wouldve received the very best education, including the sciences and math. It stands to reason that Moses knew a little about the longevity and passing of time. And if he was right in one or more places, isnt it possible that his numbers are right every time? If so, Adam lived until the year 930, and overlapped Methuselah by 243 years. Methuselah overlapped Shem (Noahs son) by 100 years. Shem (after the flood) overlapped Abraham by 143 years. This means that Abraham was hearing about CREATION by third-hand testimony!!! Isnt that amazing?! Moses came along just a few hundred years later. So, what Moses recorded only had to pass through a few gates (reports) before it became the written record that we hold. What I dont understand is how quickly and ashamedly those who say they believe the Bible is true will run from the information it contains. Im not suggesting I know the timetable. I also recognize that some things will be a mystery. But WAY too many believers treat creation and the Biblical record as a fantasy from which they are embarrassed. And thats too bad.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 06:01:21 +0000

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