Heres some inspiration for you on this beautiful day! Today marks - TopicsExpress


Heres some inspiration for you on this beautiful day! Today marks 6 weeks since Raleigh received one of Chris kidneys, and both men are doing FANTASTIC!!! Chris is back in the gym, and, this morning, Raleigh picked up our sweet baby girls for the first time in 6 weeks!!! :) :) God is so good, and we feel more and more blessed each day! Thank you all so much for sharing the stories that were sharing with you in hopes of finding living donors for others who are battling their own kidney disease. With each share, YOU could literally be the reason that someone sees a need that they feel urged to help with. There are not enough words to thank those of you who have called to be tested as a match for someone in need of a kidney transplant and are currently completing testing. The testing phase does take time to complete, and I know well have wonderful updates soon!!! ;-) ;-) I ran across a post on a FB page that is dedicated to those who have some type of interest in kidney transplants. Id like to share it here for you all to read. Its a short but powerful testimony of an amazing young woman who turned a traumatic event into a reason to take complete control of her life and save the life of someone else. She has continued to be blessed by being a blessing, and I know she will fulfill her own dreams and more! Thank you for sharing your story, Jessica Kuhn, and for allowing me to share it here. Jessicas post --- This post wont have anything to do with kidney issues, but I just feel like I have to tell the world my wonderful news that I got today. But before I share, I would like to tell you a little about myself and how this wonderful news just really excites me. It is hard for me to say, so just bear with me for a minute. 9 years ago, I started my college career because I wanted to hope that one day I would become a teacher. Well, second semester freshman year on valentines day, I was raped by a guy I had met a couple nights beforehand. After three years of court dates he was convicted and sentenced to jail, but as you probably know it affected me. I was a total mess the remainder of my schooling days. It was a horrible three years for me and as a result I didnt finish my degree. I dont want to go into details about that. Over the years I got really angry about it and envious of all the people that did get to finish. But I continued on in life. I now have 2 kids and a loving husband. Well, last year, I decided that I was not going to let it affect me anymore. I decided I was taking back control over my life. I was going to go out and help others, which is why I donated my kidney to a complete stranger, now really good friend for life. I knew in my heart that that was the best decision I ever made. I wouldnt trade it for the world. But here comes the best part. Ladies and gents, I decided to apply to go back to school starting in January and I got the acceptance letter tonight! I am so beyond thrilled! I feel like I have control over my life now and I really dont know why I am telling you all this, but I guess I am telling you this because I want to hopefully inspire you. I know that many of you are going through really tough times, but I want you to know that you are important. You are someone and you can do anything that you want to! So get out there and take charge of your life. NOTHING can hold you back!
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 13:53:53 +0000

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