Heres some possibly disagreeable ponderings... Supporting an - TopicsExpress


Heres some possibly disagreeable ponderings... Supporting an artist. I dont like that concept. Much at all, really. It doesnt make much sense to me that an artist merits more support than quality work. You go out to see a band, and the frontman states, Thanks to everyone for coming out, we really appreciate the support, etc. What are you thanking me for? I came to your show / bought your album / spoke highly of you because I enjoy your work, period. Are you implying that youre not worth coming to see? We know we suck, so thanks for coming out and soldiering through our set, we appreciate playing to a roomful of people who weve obligated to like us! Which brings us to a bigger point - constructive criticism. If you ask me what I think of your new album and it sucks, then Im going to tell you that it sucks. Lots of people out there dislike this and naturally become defensive (I admit to being much more guilty of it myself than I wish I was), but this is actually a beneficial thing - because Im also going to tell you WHY I think it sucks and what you could do to potentially improve upon it. I could support you by just fibbing to your face that youre doing a great job and buying an album that Ill never actually listen to, but I dont see how thats really supporting anyone involved. In my eyes, brutal honesty is true support. Lack of interest, album sales, show attendance, etc are all nonverbal forms of brutal honesty anyways, so at least Im simulaniously trying to push you in the right direction. Please dont be offended when you see the support that you warrant rather than the support that you want. What are your guys thoughts? Discuss.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 16:44:47 +0000

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