Heres something interesting that I discovered this week! The Bible - TopicsExpress


Heres something interesting that I discovered this week! The Bible is used to guide us in our daily lives; which is good! But as I study it and look at the lifestyle of the characters and populations, I noticed that not everything matches the practices of the our societies and that affects how we use the information today! One is example is the preparation time of a bride for marriage. In ancient times, the bride was usually given for a price to a wealthy or successful man in the village or used to form a business or national alliance. We rarely see this practice in our country but it is still done overseas in other cultures. To discuss the idea of the women in my bible class being sold as a type of business arrangement would outrage our Christian people; yet in the New Testament that is exactly how the bride and wife or to look at their future or current husband as Master! There is the problem! How many women do you know who would say they agreed to treated as slave by accepting the engagement ring? How dare such an idea be brought up in these modern times! Yet as we study the scriptures; we see that all Christians members of the church are called to voluntary slavery or servanthood under greater and wiser Masters Jesus Christ and the Godhead; just like the angels. So why do we agree? That is the key question to how is why our relationship and arrangement is better than any on Earth! Think; what is the true purpose of an engagement and promise of marriage? If you are single, ask a married couple this question. You may be surprised at the responses, even from believers of god VS Christians! Or maybe you already have your expectations. Is a spiritual or materialistic solution? Im going to give the answer because it is not for me to tell anyone but they must decide and know for themselves! But I do find it interesting how such a simple act can have such a deeper and profound meaning than we realize. One more idea that occurs- If marriage is a arrangement designed by a heavenly creator- is it important the bride know the Name of its designer to ensure she is yoked with the correct groom? Yoking is a term for being tied up in a team of oxen that plows the fields! The ancient wording escapes us because we are no longer shepherds or farmers. But the principles can still be understood and applied to our societies and families. Some of us grew-up in small towns where and when farmers were the primary workers in the community. I was lucky to be around such wise and charitable people, where family and good relationship with the neighbors and GOD was normal and expected! I miss that way of life! Maybe its time; I return to it! The simple life of the farmer has been destroyed in many states in our nation because of the big greedy corporations and real estate moguls who desire to build more modular homes and crowd more people in a smaller space! Our parents a bought into the idea and forgot what it would do to their families and the communities! Its just matter of numbers for the moguls! They dont care about the people or the strength of the communities and way of life they destroy. I find it sad that our nations leaders dont recognize that it was these types of mtn communities and people who made this nation the great world powerhouse that it has been since our inception! Places like Utah, Idaho, Colorado and other mountain states in the west have lost valuable communities and farmlands; due to politics and greed of such businessmen! The cities try to push out to the bases of the mountains, where ranchers and farmers have been raising crops and cattle and good families for hundreds of years! But it is also in those same states that there Christian people who still protect and preserve that ancient way of life and its principles. The bible is not just a book of stories but a guide to understanding their way of life and hierarchy of their society! The purity, rightness, strength and uniqueness of marriage relationship is at the heart of it all! So I conclude that knowing how each person perceives the purpose of marriage and the engagement period is crucial to the unity, success, morality, and advancement of our people, nation and all the nations on Earth! Think about it! I have lived in both cities and in rural areas and small towns in US and other nations as soldier and American citizen! The greatest places with the friendliest, mostly honest, hard-working, intelligent, educated, wise people is in agricultural-based towns. The churches are full and and people fear and respect the creator of life on Earth and in the heavens. Out of pure common sense, they accept that there are more powerful forces in control in nature and outside our realms of understanding that establish balance among the nations and the other extraterrestrial operations beyond our atmospheres above the planet! They also recognize the importance & strength of the bond between the husband and his wife and love and commitment they must demonstrate for the spiritual welfare of their children and future generations! These are the type of communities and people, we all should want to pattern our lives and our nations after and then there is hope for us and our children for a better tomorrow! Just a thoughts on how can ancient teachings be importance to the human race and individuals today; despite the vast differences and dynamics.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 00:33:36 +0000

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