Heres the deal, Cancer kills but you dont have to let it. This is - TopicsExpress


Heres the deal, Cancer kills but you dont have to let it. This is hard but my Mother let it kill her, she found a small lump in December of 2012, at the time my dad was starting to have a hard time, So of course being the martyr she was she ignored her own health. In June of 2013 the tumor in her breast mastiszed leaving a large gapping wound, Which she was caring for herself, still no one knew, In early September 2013 after returning from a trip my Mother was tired and having shortness of breath, She finally agreed to go to the ER. That night we found out she was in the final stages of Breast Cancer, The Cancer had already spread to her lungs, liver, bones, and brain. She did a few weeks of Chemo, Went into the hospital in December 26th of 2013, went to Hospice and finally succumbed to the Cancer February 4th 11:30 am of 2014. Check yourself, have a yearly mammogram, and pap smears. I am a survivor because of early detection of cervical cancer Radical hysterctomy, chemo and radiation It sucked but I am here. If I had not had a check up when I did I would have beat my Mother to the Grave. Have a plan. I miss my Mom, I am not angry at her for choosing to leave us. Take care of yourself and those you love talk about it, Strip search your parents when they are stubborn, pay attention. I refuse to carry guilt or anger but I have flashes of both when I go to reach for the phone to call her and ask her a question only she would know the answer to.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 19:12:46 +0000

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