Heres the elves... ELF Elves are the children of Varhuine, - TopicsExpress


Heres the elves... ELF Elves are the children of Varhuine, father of elvenkind. Eladrin are the oldest of these and are the purest race of the elves. The wood elves and the high elves are also his children. The drow are elves who have followed the path of Mekema, the Dreamweaver, and reside in the Foul Deep away from their cousins. Then there are the seasonal elves, the children of Varhuine and Bicovaria, the goddess of the seasons. These elves claim descent from one of four matriarchs, collectively known as the Witte Wieven. Autumn Elf Bralashae, also known as autumn elves, are a subrace of elves born from the le’shae Sota Aumnisma. They follow the teachings of their matriarch and are as fast as the autumn winds themselves. More than other elves, bralashae are focused on the ways of nature. They are the only offspring of the le’shae who don’t solely worship the matron of their people and the god of elves. Autumn elves are known for their love of the natural world, flora and fauna alike and their staunch defense of it from selfish communities who would level what is for their own purposes. Autumn elves are a tranquil lot. They rarely become agitated and do not show the typical arrogance or snobbery of their cousins. Above all things, an autumn elf will become hostile if someone acts wastefully at the expense of other living things, be it tree or person. Bralashae are not physically dissimilar from normal elves. Their hair and eye colors tend to be darker than that of a high elf, with dark browns and greens being most common. The autumn elves are a nomadic folk who are very rarely found stationed in settlements. The most common type of adventurer from the bralashae folk are individuals who wish to vanquish defilers and vile creatures who cause destruction to the natural world. Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1. Fleet of Foot. Your base walking speed increases to 35 feet. Gift of Nature. You can cast the goodberry spell once using this trait. You regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. You may eschew the material component when you cast the spell with this ability. Nature Sense. You have proficiency in the Nature skill. Spring Elf Tulashae, also known as spring elves and, less commonly, book elves, are the direct elven offspring of the leshae Kevat Berature. They are masters of magic and keepers of ancient lore. Their colleges of magic and learning are among – if not – the most prestigious institutes in Eyané. Spring elves are direct, harsh, always give their true opinion about something, and commonly have problems lying. It is quite common that a dwarf relates better to a tulashae that to a high elf, because much like the dwarves, spring elves have a rigid code of law, in which true above all else is highly cherished. As with other seasonal elves, spring elves worship the matriarch of their people. Kevat Berature, leshae of the Spring Rebirth, is the matriarch of the tulashae and she represents the sphere of earth in the Witte Wieven and is considered the goddess of life as well. Spring elves will often travel outside of their homelands to seek out new knowledge as it is a great honor to have lore you acquired added to the great libraries. Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2. Magic Sight. You can cast the detect magic spell once using this trait. You regain the ability to do so when you finish a short or long rest. Arcane Attunement. You have proficiency in the Arcana skill. Summer Elf Kesa Asbuital, the leshae of summer, is the matriarch of the summer elves, or courshae in the elven tongue. These nomadic people travel all across the face of Urz, simply for the sake of the journey. They are well-known for their relation with a Vetalis-born breed of horse, the xanthae. Summer elves are often the quiet type, as they travel constantly and prefer the silence of the road. They will show a certain amount of disdain for their cousins, the winter elves, but rarely show hatred outside of that. They get along well with those they respect and their respect is earned by actions, not words. They are not as xenophobic as high elves and will accept members of all races without prejudging them. The courshae are a race of wanderers and often travel through other peoples provinces, usually with wares to trade for the goods they need to continue their journey. Courshae are born to adventure. They have a racial wanderlust that is rarely sated. As they hold freedom to be the most important thing for one to have, the freedom to adventure into the world is the greatest endeavor a courshae can take up. Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1. Fleet of Foot. Your base walking speed increases to 35 feet. Courshae Weapon Training. You have proficiency with the glaive, scimitar, shortbow, and longbow. High Seat. You gain a +2 on melee damage rolls against any unmounted creature that is smaller than your mount. Quick Mount. The movement cost for you to mount a creature is 5 feet instead of half your speed. Saddleborn. You gain a +5 bonus to saving throws made to resist falling off a mount. Winter Elf The children of Talvi Medramic are known as the ghaelshae, or winter elves in the Common tongue. They are a proud people who are very militant. A young ghaelshae is given the option of one single weapon from their houses armory and it is with this weapon they must train with. It is believed that the choice made is that of the elfs “fang”, a concept held to high regard in the worship of their goddess. They are known for their keen ability to hunt and their grace and prowess in a fight. No other race or creed can be as unrelenting as a winter elf at war. The winter elves are a fiercely loyal folk who believe that there is more honor in action than in words, but they are patient and masters of strategy. The winter elves are more arrogant, some might say, than other elves. They will only travel happily with others whom they feel have proven their worth. Nothing can make a winter elf more irritated than dead weight in a group. A winter elf is calculating, though. They will rarely enter into a fight without being fully aware of the variables involved and will show no quarter once they feel a fight is theirs to be won. Winter elves adventure for glory, for the honor, and for the titles and respect given to those who accomplish great things. Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1. Fleet of Foot. Your base walking speed increases to 35 feet. Ghaelshae Weapon Training. You gain proficiency with one weapon of your choice. Relentless. When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with a weapon attack, as an additional part of the action that granted the attack, you may move up to 15 feet. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 21:31:06 +0000

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