Heres the letter I sent to city council, parks and rec, and the - TopicsExpress


Heres the letter I sent to city council, parks and rec, and the city manager a few minutes ago...theres an vote tomorrow night that would ban skateboards in parks altogether... Dear all, Ive taken a look at the proposal for tomorrow nights discussion and vote on skateboarding in parks and plazas. I should say right off the top that Im not an expert on the topic. But I can say that in my youth, I spent some time on both rollerskates and skateboards. Curiously, the section of the code at hand refers to wheelbarrows, too...and Im sure youre aware that I have had a great deal of experience operating wheelbarrows. At any rate, it appears to me that the council and administration may want to take a longer look at this issue before simply instating a ban on skateboards in parks. Even the old ordinance caught my eye regarding rollerskating, which presumably covers rollerblades as well. When I think of that nice new walking path in Jackson Park, I cant think of a more relaxing and enjoyable thing that someone might engage in than to skate around that beautiful area. Im troubled that this appears to be currently illegal. Maybe the entire ordinance needs to be revamped, given its antiquated state. Im here to warn you: Im going to bring a wheelbarrow to a park one day...just you watch! I see, perhaps, what the administration may be aiming for in protecting our parks from damage but there would appear to be ample laws on the books that address defacing public property. I also hear the chorus that is making its voice heard online on social media that speaks to a sore lack of amenities for skateboarders. Maybe this is a discussion that needs to happen as well. A neighborhood group I belong to recently discussed developing grant funding specifically for the purpose of constructing skateboard elements for a park one in the group spoke of banning the contrary! One last thought: 85 percent of skateboarders in the world are under 18. In a world where its exceedingly hard to get young people active (what with video games, tv, the web and other distractions) the thought occurs to me that Ive never seen a skateboarder that didnt look pretty fit...dont we want these folks outside, engaging in recreation and getting fresh air? Where is their place for recreation? Id urge the council to take no action on this issue, consider public input as you move forward, and address the real concerns here rather than make a knee-jerk action. Respectfully, Mark Powell
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 06:17:49 +0000

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